[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

bruh we were already fucked

you’re even more fucked

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i can hardly wait

leafia scum leafia scum

i was right i was right

leafia scum leafia scum

i was right i was right

anyone want to try to guess all remaining non-town

winner gets a cat picture after the game

sure ill do it

wolves are ineligible

why is it that as soon as i die people start making false mech-deductions for me to push against

come on i just claimed that my flip was tampered aww :((

like cmon
i could have used this earlier

I sent my post before you sent yours

forums bad :^)

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nope im stepping in wolves are now eligible i will be providing my own cat pics

you know what?
leafia scum. for real

i feel like they intentionally pushed against me so that i wouldnt be able to properly call them out on the bs they’re spouting now

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leafia scum
mist town.
mist bodyguard
mist guarded marshal, but it failed because i made leaf strongman

its all coming to light. and its not even because of some dead information.

Sorry for SR’ing you, but I really don’t know how to read you when you just tunneled Leafia and posted memes

I guess Alice is likely town

My guess so far is Ici/Leafia/App/Maxi