Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

and like

the fact that every time I tried to ask your slot to explain your read on us whatsoever, or challenged you on it at all, you were like ā€˜:rotating_light:ARETEā€™S SLOT ISNā€™T DANCING :rotating_light:ā€™ didnā€™t make me super inclined to go dance in exactly the way you wanted

because (a) if you were already ignoring all the other dancing I was trying to do I didnā€™t particularly have reason to expect anything else I did to be different and (b) the fact that you were ignoring it made me think that you werenā€™t actually trying to evaluate our dancing (i.e. the metaphorical equivalent of being a wolf) and I wasnā€™t particularly interested in dancing to a wolfā€™s tune when I could go engage with literally any other dance team

sorry Iā€™ll stop

(I do think that it is important to note that we werenā€™t in on the same day, gorta made a relatively low number of posts and I couldnā€™t really have an insane dialouge with you. I might have engaged more if I could have, but I had relatively few posts that I could relate to your slot and I tried to do what I Thought was most helpful with them while you were in)

(and I was not all that interested in asking you when it comes from someone else, because paraphrase often loses some of the smaller things in the reads)

ok now onto the lesson or something

Something something dancing

nobody cares about dancing but I think that we can draw something important from this

It is important to communicate with people.

A lot of what went on was, at least in part, misunderstanding, and lead both of our slots underperforming and focusing on each other in an unproductive way.

I was not interested in defending our slot or trying to make us solvable. We were dying regardless.

Arete was not able to really make reads on slots that werenā€™t ours.

I think for the circumstances, neither were specifically bad things, but we never communicated these facts to each other or each otherā€™s slots and it lead to two important miscommunications

Arete thought I was just dodging their questions when I just didnā€™t think it was productive to answer them the way we were communicating.

I thought Arete was dodging my requests to give detailed takes from themselves on slots that were not us, but they just were not able to fufill said requests.

Because neither of us knew this, it lead to a lot of wasted posts and frustration on both of our parts. I donā€™t think anyone is specifically in the wrong or in the right, I came in to this conversation thinking I specifically was right and that arete was just being a nerd, but after hearing their side I realized that they had been dealing with the exact same thing I was, just that, because it was never communicated, I didnā€™t realize they were unable to provide those reads, or how they felt when we didnā€™t answer their questions.

This lead to not only a big argument betweeen us 2 in the game where both people think they are right and the other uncooperative, but also post-game. This hadnā€™t really been fleshed out so I justā€¦ never knew.

This is why it is important to communicate things with people. A lot of things are often left unsaid that make people misunderstand circumstances.

If there is anything effecting the way you are playing or making cases, itā€™s important to say that so people donā€™t think you are purposefully doing negative things.

If you are going to post lower amounts, tell the game that.
Otherwise, people might think you are flaking or dodging questions becuase you are scum.

If you have not read a chunk of the game, say that before you make your readslist or your read on a person.
Otherwise people are going to think that you purposefully left out things from that part of the game from your read

If you are making a metaread on a person, but havenā€™t read their past 3 or so games, note that you havenā€™t read those games before making your meta case
Otherwise, people will think you are purposefully ignoring it.

If you donā€™t feel comfortable reading someone, say that.
Otherwise, people will think you are dodging reading someone.

this is overall a small thing and probably doesnā€™t effect too much, but it is just important to communicate with your fellow townies about things in the game.

Donā€™t leave out small important details about your mindset or how you did something, because they can turn in to bigger misunderstandings and eventually incorrect reads.

I would like to apoligize to arete for not making it clear that I didnā€™t want to defend my slot, as it lead to a lot of unintended frustration.


communicate, people, itā€™s a team game and you should make sure that your team knows important things.

This is the best metaphor

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Neither of you played that game well since you didnā€™t gladiate the priest

So what youā€™re saying is

the only good player was the ENV, because they vigged the peek :^)

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Uninformed Lost Mafia Death Godfathers are no joke

Neither are Emissary 2-shot Motivator Omnimillers

The best way to improve town it seems is to replace the scumteam part way through lol.

Listening to town is an important skill. Just as important as reaching out to fellow town.
You share the same wincon. Work together. Wolves work together. Why canā€™t town do the same?

Because Town donā€™t know who theyā€™re working with

Sure, but you can get solid townreads and form a solid town core that way. And we had a couple of people who were basically clear.

What Iā€™m saying is, just because youā€™re uninformed doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t trust anyone. Itā€™s not like everyone is an independent.

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But my reads are better than them

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please post/try to play

not even specifically to improve townplay or anything (although town posting does do exactly that)

but it improves the play and game quality for everyone

Please, if you sign up for a game, both try, and post. It makes the game so much better. If you wonā€™t be able to try a good amount in a game be it because multitabling, IRL, or other, please do not sign up. It actively worsens the playing experience for everyone else and depletes the sub list that is needed for people who have sudden or urgent issues that mean they will not be able to meet standards this game.

Donā€™t aim for the minimum
aim above that.

Please try, iā€™m unhappy when I see people not trying.

Trying does not mean being good or having good reads. It means putting forth an effort to fulfill your win condition.

If you wonā€™t do that, donā€™t play. Just do not sign up.

If you will, but suddenly cannot, that is understandable and there are subs for that.

And, specifically if you are town, if you do not post you cannot solve. If you do not try, people will see you not trying to acheive the town win condition and kill you eventually.


Donā€™t play the game

not even specifically to worsen townplay or anything (although town not posting does do exactly that)

but it ruins the play and game quality for everyone

Please, if you sign up for a game, donā€™t try or post. It makes the game so much better. If you wonā€™t be able to try a good amount in a game be it because multitabling, IRL, or other, please sign up. It actively improves the playing experience for everyone else and depletes the sub list that isnā€™t needed for people who have sudden or urgent issues that mean they will not be able to meet standards this game, as inactivity is the goal, not a hurdle.

Donā€™t aim for the minimum
aim below that
strive for negative activity

Please avoid trying, iā€™m happy when I see people not trying.

Trying means being good or having good reads, and being good is toxic. It means putting forth an effort to fulfill your win condition and prey on newbies.

If you wonā€™t do that, play. Just sign up.

If you will, then get banned looser.

And, specifically if you are town, if you do not post you can solve. If you try, people will see you as a toxic forumer and kill you instantly.


PM me if you want me to help to improve your play

Iā€™m trying a strategy that isnā€™t preaching because I donā€™t think people respond well to it


remove trees