Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

You did literally claim Prince in your last(?) scumgame D1

Claiming another person’s role in attempt to have them claim your role to mislead wolves.
Like a cop claiming bomb. And a bomb claiming cop.

Two players lying about their roles such as one claiming cop and the other one claiming VT so the wolves kill the VT while the cop get another check.

D1 Prince claims are memes, though.

Nobody takes them seriously.



its true, but more experinced wolves know this fact, so you know

Mind games and powerwolving go hand and hand together

Good thing I was able to control my desire to ruin Marshal’s fun after ToS 2.

This is generally done with whispers in game, neighborhoods or most commonly masonries

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that didn’t stop anyone from towncoring you for it

We actually just had Derps in Insurgency FM claim Light’s vig.
That’s an example of a roleswap.


Which was bad play on their part. D1 Prince claims are always memes.


and I got stabbed for saying it was dumb


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I remember a time @orangeandblack5 was older Sherrif in a FOL game, converted me into a knight and basically forced me to claim Sheriff all game lol.


That seems like something orange would do

like holding Sam hostage in his marriage chat in the Fates FM

I usually kill people scumreading me, so yeah.

It was hard work because I had to pick up his investigation softs all game instead of scum hunting

Worse still was I don’t think a single scum bought it for a single day.

i always forget this was a thing, whos idea was it


i wasnt explicitly scumreading you iirc, i just thought you were being cleared for very dumb reasons

which i probably would have pointed out as any alignment/class but me being scorned definitely made me keeping the PoE open more appealing

Wouldn’t you want the PoE more closed because then you’re more sure of Town’s lynch target

No idea. Was a relic from the actual game classes at the time

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I think it’s pretty easy
If you aren’t sure that the other person is 100% townreading you already
Don’t lie excessively as town and think then you will get townread for it

Which is why I make a point of telling the truth. You don’t have to remember what you’ve said.