Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins


I do think we should just hammer. There isnā€™t much more thatā€™s going to be gained from a day with an outed wolf.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Guillotina Rue, Aelin, Luxy, Marluxion, min, Wazza, Guillotina 7/9
Wazza Zerokito, EliThePsycho 2/9
Not voting Atlas, Hippolytus, Liattac, Amelia, PokemonKidRyan, sulit, Whysper 7

who is mafia

/vote guim


Luxy/Wazza are next tier, then Marluxion/Hippo/PKR/Amelia/Eli. I believe Iciā€™s early read on Pigeon is not partnered, sulit and Guillotina cannot be mafia together, and Zero is trueclaiming.

had the same thought + whysper has been very consistent with a towny mindset tbh

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Guillotina Rue, Aelin, Luxy, Marluxion, min, Wazza, Guillotina, Hippolytus 8/9
Wazza Zerokito, EliThePsycho 2/9
Not voting Atlas, Liattac, Amelia, PokemonKidRyan, sulit, Whysper 6

think amelia is probably always town here though


they instantly gave the same role as what marshal did when proph asked after replacing it (this is kinda dirty but i canā€™t exactly ignore it)

some interactions with galena also look unpartnered

there was this one where they said that sulit and marshal are probably both wolves but they should kill marshal first. it doesnā€™t make sense to go this far out of their way to kill their partner marshal, when the reason for it is because they were defending the main person they were pushing (sulit)

likeā€¦ just kill sulit first

I still think this actually seemed more likely wolf.

Rue knows my wolf meta. Her reads are not natural, she could be a wolf

how? why would proph risk outting their partner like that if they didnā€™t have the claim ready? (you said they were likely to be w/w earlier)

Because they knew their partner was ready to claim. And asking like that right away would make some people assume it must be true, like you are doing now.

It is very odd for Proph to ask right away for a replacement, and then doubly weird for Amelia to reply right away without hesitation.


They would have made sure in wolf chat

i townread you for a similar thing, like that ici wouldnā€™t leave a note saying they scumread alice as a wolf

youā€™re right that they shouldnā€™t have done this, but how can you think itā€™s wolfy when you did like, the same thing?