Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

you can’t tell me his iso doesn’t look like he’s shading vulgard, arctic and me as a team with wazza as town, though
it just looks like a fucking chainsaw

the thing is he started a case on me long before he said he thought wazza was town and arctic was scum, but he started the case on me at the same time he was shading vulgard, and he’s made like two posts ever about vulgard and nothing else. it looks like shade and nothing more, and because he’s been pushing me, it just ties us together which is bad because i’m not scum.

also at that point i think i had vulgard as a scumlean so that’s not really any better.

this is such a level 0 take and the fact there’s no attempt made to look into the context of whatever it was makes me think it’s wolfy

this looks like it’s from the theoretical book of typical wolfy things people do that cloned likes to employ as a wolf

the phrasing is also so uncertain which is pretty uncharacteristic for cloned and makes the post look like he wants to push on someone he knows is a villager for doing something that’s textbook wolfy without even believing in the read

there were at least two or three of us implicated in that, maybe four

but oh, because he hasn’t read the thread, he’s only pushed the two of us for it

while nightingale and marshal have both also openwolfed, and they also both do it as either alignment.

the one thing that does make me doubtful a little in this is that his vote’s still on arctic
triplethree was a wagon before arctic subbed in, but arctic has been cleared literally since coming in and going straight for discussion.
why start a wagon there? i know cloned just wants to dronestrike me but why start a wagon on a pretty unviable candidate?

My problem was the way he didn’t unvote or reevaluate uppn being informed that openwolfing isn’t actually AI for us. That shows his vote is just there for the sake of it

also, he could totally support the nightingale or marshal wagons as neither one is a wazza wagon and they’ve both also openwolfed, but he’s… not?
like if he’s gonna push people for petty reasons, aren’t those wagons easier because they already exist?

yeah but nobody else backed us, i think. we backed each other and i think that was it, then he said he was doing some reading and searching on his own, even after we pitched examples, then it went nowhere because he dropped the topic entirely and went after vulgard instead.

To look productive
he clearly doesn’t plan on actually getting me killed if he’s a wolf

u guys both make good points



that’s like the most unproductive thing ever, though

if wazza flips red, kill cloned with fire
if wazza doesn’t flip, i guess cloned can have another day
if wazza flips town, we just have to evaluate cloned independently.

He placed a vote on someone against thread consensus in a way that looks like it was a feeble attempt to imitate his tunnely town meta and we’ve seen examples of him trying to do this in the past like with warrior cats

yeah and very few people wanted to reevaluate him in warrior cats so lol

he knows that he can get townread for being in his own world which makes sense with how he didn’t want to give up the read even tho it was proven wrong. he’s more concerned with looking like he’s doing stuff than actually doing stuff

idk why he’s acting so certain that a dronestrike will kill me, either. he may be bluffing, and he also doesn’t know what my role does.

i think i already softed something about it in the thread, so if wolves want to go mucking through my swamp of an ISO to find it and try to claimvig me or something, they are more than welcome to lol

Alright I finally have access to a computer

I’m going to go back and look at Atlas again and see if he’s improved since my interaction with him yesterday, and re-evaluate from there.

His wagon has definitely picked up some steam which I am happy about.

btw where did the discussion about nightingale go?
i’m not sold yet on the atlas wagon, i am definitely not sold on the marshal wagon, i doubt the vulgard wagon is good, and the wazza wagon disappeared entirely.