Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

This is exactly how I used to think about my game. As V, mind you.


This part in particular is quite villagery.

on second thought idk how many people it was so maybe itā€™s not as relevant as i thought

but i think wazza scumread chloe then backed off
idk whatā€™s with the vulgard read but sheā€™s scumreading vul and yet backed off
she backed off me on the premise that something bad might happen if i get wagoned, despite that she thought i was very wolfy

hello vulgard
you are being accused of not being executed d1
how do you plead

wait this is literally what leafia was doing, i think i misread :sweat_smile:

tldr i dont have a clue about wazza

He wonā€™t. Itā€™s just that in previous games, Iā€™ve tended to lock villagers as wolves while I was a villager as well. Take the time I was certain Gorta was a wolf and deathtunneled him into the ground in the cat pirate game but he ended up flipping v. Or the time I did the same to Marshal in the first game I had with you and Marl I believe and he flipped v as well.

ok vulgardā€™s right, youā€™re town lol

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rip vulgard
you will be ever remembered

Thats a fair point. But, you havenā€™t read what I said during that time. I was on mobile, and didnā€™t feel like reading through 1000 posts at that moment.

My actions at this point are: Ask about Grand Master. I remember getting voted for this because it was a ā€œwolfy openingā€, which is where posts like

This, come in.

[quote=ā€œLuxy, post:5106, topic:88821ā€]

??? This was refering to, at least the only thing I can get close to it, this

Galena was using that as an excuse to not generate content at that point, and Luxyā€™s point of that I was reflecting makes no sense, since I was just talking about devices

Thatā€™s wrong. Marshal was meta reading me, there, after they did some posts, I cannot remember if it was a paragraph or something, but Iā€™ll look after this. I said several times that you canā€™t meta read me based off a single game, and despite that, people still continue to do it, when Iā€™ve said why its counter-intuitive and a bad way to read me several times

I was responding to you when you said I was scummy because I was acting like a wolf being mad. I was trying to explain that a town member could also be mad at something like this because the wolf read on them would be wrong.

I wasnā€™t referring to that, I was more referring to insults.

Its in bad faith because of the reason I stated above.

Some of it is valid, sure. There cannot be a scumread without at the minimum subpar points. I was not saying all that marshal said was valid, which I said several times was not the case, but only on that particular point.

A town member can act the exact same as I did when they get angry off a point that makes no sense

I hadnā€™t made many real posts, because all of my posts had been in self-preservation, and still were in there.

I wouldnā€™t be doing this if I was doing the same I did in D1, in which everything I did was mostly in self-preservation.

I said this specifically because pre-wolf flips on someone is useless until they do flip, especially when that person isnā€™t even a wolf.


Wazza had 0/13 votes at this time

It doesnā€™t remind me how wolves usually ask questions, like how Marshal did in RWBY

That was a single point. I canā€™t scumread someone based off of just that. Iā€™m pretty sure I said wazza was nullscum later.

That was more of a overall content of everything Shurian posted, than a complete iso

Frustration is a feeling that comes from either side, yet you were scumreading me for it earlier.

Itā€™s clearly not a cop-out for not generating content, as if I hadnā€™t been generating content, nobody would have any points on me other than ā€œfluffā€

i have 367 posts
im pretty sure that if around 200 of them are legitimate posts, thats a good number.

Either sides can get frustrasted

Does this mean you agree that marshal didnā€™t have good enough reasons to vote me?

Iā€™m pretty sure you didnā€™t include many posts about how I talked about marshal, other than one of two, which wouldnā€™t make much sense from a points perspective about how I treated them feeling off

Thats 60% thats real content, which is like I said earlier, about 200

Namely, I want to make 100% certain that someone is a wolf before trying to deathtunnel them and I donā€™t want to deathtunnel anyone in case my w read on them is wrong.

@Luxy For when you wake up

Quotewallers like Atlas are like gatekeepers preventing people without too much free time from reading the thread.



No cognitive load detected.

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probably out of thread now because i feel like vomiting


good idea

I hope you feel better soon.

Nightingale confirming she doesnā€™t want to give us any spew.

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