Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Arctic, why are you so convinced Vulgard is Wolf, yet meta points otherwise, and now you’re using meta against me. You’re the hypocritical one here

you mean town?

I think you meant town

But this is still dumb bc idk what vul’s wolf meta is and your explanation of that did not make me feel like it was him this game. doesn’t help how you didn’t give any examples either

relatable (my sleep schedule has also been awful)

I think honestly just having a bit more thread presence and discussing not only your reads, but other people’s reads, and interacting with them in discussions helps people to solve you.

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Yeah I meant Town.

And I don’t care if you won’t listen to my explanation, you can easily explain others.

And I shouldn’t have to do everything for you. If you want to genuinely play the game, you’d go out and find examples of your own and I promised you examples if you proved to me you’ve read the thread. Which you still haven’t proved to me that you have so I’m not giving you any.

this is such a completely useless argument, i’m outta here


the fact you call an argument about a read on a player useless despite the fact you caused arguments about your openwolfing consistently is :roll_eyes:

This is from years ago, Alice

yeah and did you find the arguments about my openwolfing to be useful? i don’t think so.

ok but
you can’t disagree with me and then tell me to look for myself to see your pov

…aren’t you wolfreading Shurian as well?

I’m wolfreading him because you are, I don’t actually have a direct read on him.

Yeah I didn’t, exactly why I said that.

Like i don’t think vul is in the wolf meta you described

You can’t just tell me to find examples that match his wolf meta when i don’t think that’s the case

Okay but I can disagree with you and then tell you to put effort in. You can’t justify your read on Vulgard if you don’t know his meta in the first place. Because as I’ve stated before, I’m not trying to convince you. You’re not someone I want to convince.

yeah so what’s wrong with my calling your argument useless? i’m not a hypocrite for saying so. all you’ve done this entire game is clog up the thread with arguments and yet somehow you expect us to townread you for it.

if you want to tell me to fuck off, be my guest, but i literally do not see that many things pointing in your favor.

you don’t disagree with someone the expect them to prove your own point

why are you so unwilling to cooperate with me

guys pls listen

i saw it already and i’m not interested right now, ill look at it later if i’m not dead