Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Oh, I actually understand that. That was me trying to account for the possibility I’m wrong so that my read isn’t entirely useless.

to be fair its not necessarily wolfy
but it feels like it was preplanned to be in an earlier part of the post and then he forgot it and went “oh wait, i wanted to say this really bad”

I actually found his Nightingale read in particular to be rather unique - I don’t think anyone had really brought up the potential for her to be a wolf before he did? At least not more than ‘night has been openwolfing, are we gunna do something about that’

I personally think his level of confidence in the Wazza read and the depth of thought and the fact that he is continuing down that path regardless of everything (as it seems people no longer have any interest there for whatever reason) is natural

Shuri idk I don’t remember his Shuri stuff

an you give me some notes on what you find illogical

the problem is im assuming town’s job is to make themselves easily readable

ill go back and look at it… hopefully in a few minutes
it depends on how i feel after i brush my teeth

same for above

correct me if im wrong vul but your goal as of late hasn’t been to make yourself readable but rather to have better reads, ye?

like i dont wanna be Whiteknight #1 over here but the things i see people scumreading Vul for are things I found myself scumreading them for before… when they were a villager
So I know them to be not really indicative of much

gives fedora and tapes a beard onto your neck

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That’s actually true and I’m quite bad at it. Eh.

My Nightingale read at this point is a combination of “scumreading a very obvious villager and it’s the only detailed scumread from the earlygame” and “she can be better than this as a villager.” The openwolfing isn’t even too relevant.

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Kind of, yeah.
Mostly trying to find a playstyle I’m comfortable with, and I think I found it.
Still not sure what to do re: people like OMGUSers who try to throw me off-balance. My treatment of Wazza’s experimental in that way.

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id like to clarify that i dont disagree on the night read
my issue was the confidence, although, once again, i will say i havent read your full progression there

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Atlas Marshal, Luxy, thepigeonnyc, Zerokito, Rue, Nightingale 6/13
Shurian YunoGasai, Liattac, Vulgard, Marluxion 4/13
Nightingale Arctic, Aelin, sulit 3/13
Marshal Atlas, EliThePsycho, Galena 3/13
Vulgard Wazza 1/13
Wazza Alkali 1/13
Arctic clonedcheese 1/13
Marluxion Hippolytus 1/13
Not voting PokemonKidRyan, Shurian, Whysper, WindwardAway, min 5

Voting Shurian here mostly because Wazza’s not a real wagon anymore and I think Shurian has higher odds of being a hit than Atlas does.

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I do hate yeeting Shurian day 1 as soon as they return to playing FM, but them’s the breaks, I guess?

who here has hippo meta?

kinda wanna townread this post

and its because of the ‘ah well’


from the first post on it
it just reeks
all of it is, “I’m right, trust me”
like, “it would manifest differently” how? why?

i mentioned this earlier when i first saw it

i didnt like this because it just
doesnt look at any other angle
the only thing it’s pushing is “wazza is evil, or she’s evil”

this feels ingenuine because im assuming theyve read a bit
because otherwise they ISO’d Wazza unprompted as their entrance into thread
so it feels more like a cop out of “no im not sheeping thread consensus i dont even know thread consensus”

self-explanatory, i think

this is just the early bit because it’s 4:32 am and my head is getting a bit heavy
hope this is satisfactory @Alkali

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Righto did a quick looksie at this game vs his d1 ISO in FAM and there are distinct tonal differences

He feels very ‘How do you do, fellow kids?’ there whereas here his memeing feels more natural - like he doesn’t give a shit how he’s percieved

Similarities between the two are that it feels like he’s kinda doing the bare minimum (which is hypocritical of me to say but im saying it anyways)

But uh
I kinda just talked myself out of my scumlean there
He gets to be a nullboi until further notice - with slight townpoints for his GM ‘out your votes’ thing feeling real

disagree but not strongly enough to try and convince you

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Unvoting for now, as Vulgard just said about my wagon, he’s also not a realistic wagon especially when people are townreading him. Also not placing my vote as I can do that when I’m awake

:joy_cat: 5k posts :joy_cat: day one :joy_cat:

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