Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

I replaced in for Marshal not too long ago

ah okay I see

I remember now im dumb sry

no prob

also I clicked on the wallpost then decided I didnt want to read a wallpost

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i know

being serious though it’s… ok? i dont find myself feeling really inclined to it one way or the other

Okay so, you have control over the alt now, correct?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Guillotina Rue, Aelin, Luxy, Marluxion, min, Wazza 6/9
Wazza Zerokito, EliThePsycho, Guillotina 3/9
Not voting Atlas, Hippolytus, Liattac, Amelia, PokemonKidRyan, sulit, Whysper 7

i wouldnt say its crazy analysis
i think some of wazza’s activity lined up overall with guillo with how theyve been playing overall
which i personally think is generally a coinflip on town/wolf, so >rand W

i dunno
@Liattac u there?

is it taking you this long to log in

oh ye of little faith

i already know how it works
i’m the one who gave it to you

shut the heckze up

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wait i can use it to farm likes
this is perfect

liattac, you’re making me look like a :de:bag…

“Hi, pleased to meet you! I am Furudo Erika, the detective!! I may be an uninvited guest, but please, welcome me!!”

“I am the visitor, the 18th human on Rokkenjima!!”

“Even if you do join us-“

“There are 17 people.”

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Anyways, this is Proph.

Got booted off from my main account onto this one.

you can’t trick us