[Class Suggestion] Masochist [Neutral Social]

I thought I’d make an interesting Unjester class.

Masochist [Neutral Social]
Objective: Be killed at night.
Additionally, The Mercenary can’t start with you as a target.

Passive: Smokescreen
If you die at night, you will appear to be the class of your killer. There is no effect if you are executed.

Passive: Pacifying Death
Your killer can’t kill the night after your death. If their ability to kill had uses, they also lose a use.

Day Ability: Clearly Innocent (2 uses)
Investigators who can determine faction will find you to be Blue Dragon tonight.

Night Ability 1: Intervene (Infinite Uses)
Get in someone’s way, making them target you tonight. (Same notification as Drunk)

Night Ability 2: Certain Death (2 uses)
If you are attacked tonight, the attacker can’t be occupied or prevented from visiting you, and you can’t be healed or protected in any way.

Seems simple enough

How would this help you

Makes it easier

Ok, what is the point of this class?

Investigators finding you to be Blue Dragon means you don’t get executed, but scum might then kill you, convinced you are Blue Dragon from an investigator’s findings. What do you mean the point? The objective is to be killed.

Maybe give a semi-penalty if you die at night, either to your killer or the town in General
As it stands, smokescreen is kinda a buff for whoever kills

Oh, and make it so Prince can’t execute him, otherwise he could just claim Prince and win by Prince killing him

Other than that, I think it’s pretty good

I feel like if this class was implemented, the Prince would be more careful and suspicious of another Prince claim, so I think it’s fine for the Prince to be able to execute them. My thoughts on smokescreen are exactly that: it’s a buff to whoever kills them. If it’s Unseen/Cult, they get that upper hand. If it’s a neutral killer, it can work in their favor as if the Reaper died or the Possessor jumped body. If it’s Prince, they know without a doubt that it was Masochist. Basically, it’s a penalty to those who chose not to or could not kill the masochist, rewarding those who gave them the win.

Yeah, I just kinda feel that they shouldn’t want to kill him though
He could just whisper and say “im the masochist please kill me” or something like that.
Point is, people will find a way to cheat the whole lying/deception aspect by flat out teeming at least someone, too win

A killer isn’t likely to give up their night kill just for some extra deception, and how would the masochist know who is a killer? I feel as though if they had this information and could get someone to willingly kill them they deserve the win, because they had already gone out of their way to find a killer willing to kill them.

Just say nothing in jail and win

there is no penalty for the killer of the masochist

Updated to give a fairly severe punishment to your killer.

I think it would be better if your killer simply dies

thats a bit too harsh
i feel like it should be a hindrance, not make them unable to win

prince wouldn’t really care, h would just rejail the person the following night

yeah, but if it was a nk that killed them, the nk would lose for sure


at end game, it will be devastating, but killing them N1 would not really be bad for them at all


Reverse jesters are more bastard than the normal jesters.

It’s much harder to win as a Fool than a Masochist.
Rarely does somebody suggest lynching you D2, but as a Masochist you inherently have a 1/15 + 1/13 = 14% chance of dying Night one if both NK and Assassin kill a target.

This class would upset the meta by itself, and punish Princes for making good executes.