Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

They’ve got like 8 posts
Shouldn’t be too hard

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plot twist: I was trying to pocket people but it was really Arete who pocketed me by feeding my ego

i’m busy right now fyi so i’ve got to leave after this, normally i always go more in-depth.
that being said, even though Wazza’s iso is only 8 posts, all but one is strictly focused on mech and i don’t like his hard refusal to either consider the plan or buy anything at all.

  1. inconclusive evidence
  2. this looks like sheeping instead of individual analysis

exactly why i don’t like to make conclusive reads this early
my thoughts were asked for though, and this is my thought.


…can you stop defending Wazza like this if you don’t TR him? If you’re V then there’s a chance Wazza is W and if he flips W then you’ll become suspicious as hell.

This was one of the main reasons why so many villagers got stuck in the PoE in WW as they all hard or soft defended Seth for no reason which made them look horrible when he flipped.

Like this site has a very bad problem of defending players for no reasons.

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Also Troch looks far less carefree than average, so meh.

/vote Troch


it’s something i’ve mentioned trying to work on, less memeing and more actual content.


so as you’ve probably noticed the thread is … kind of dead

I want to look at what it means for people’s alignments

the obvious thing it means is that the wolves don’t really care about making the thread not be dead. this ?likely? indicates that wolves weren’t really under pressure at the points when the thread was dead? I’m not sure how meaningful this is since as far as I can tell no wagon has been above three votes this game, but IIRC there was a point when the thread was dead and PKR was top wagon, which is probably a slightly good look for him since it points to wolves not really giving a crap

the second, and probably more meaningful, thing I want to look at is how people responded to the thread being dead. I can broadly divide this up into three categories:

  • not posting and letting the threadstate continue
  • trying to make the thread not be dead
  • complaining about or commenting on the deadness of the thread without really doing anything to change it

the first one is like, it makes the most sense from a wolf PoV, but it’s also what like 2/3 of the thread did, so :wowee:

the second one is villagery in my opinion. the wolves are happy with the thread being dead, so people taking active steps to make it not be dead are more likely to be villagers.

the last one I think is more likely to come from scum. the thing about complaining about the thread being dead is that it’s super easy to do from any alignment’s PoV since it doesn’t require producing any actual content, but it doesn’t actually do anything to make the thread not be dead. additionally, by recognizing that the problem is a problem but not actually doing anything to change it, it points to them willfully not doing anything to change it, rather than just being really busy or something.

so if I look at people’s actual reactions:

Insanity first enters the thread at a point when it’s been dead for about an hour

Insanity's entrance

they don’t actually mention the thread’s deadness, they just get right into solving. I ?think? this is more likely to come from a villager than from a wolf, like, it would be really easy for a wolf in this gamestate to blend in by making a few half-decent posts but their posts are more than half-decent. They also specifically prod people (in this case Eli) for content, which could maybe arguably fall into the second category of trying to make the thread not be dead? This is a weak read but it makes me feel better about them.

the next person’s reaction I want to look at is Eli.

Eli complains about the thread being dead:

(in response to Insanity asking for reads on people other than me:)

but doesn’t do anything to change it, like, not even so much as asking people questions. This fits pretty squarely in what I described earlier as the third category. I honestly feel kind of weird about this one because I’ve found Eli overall to be villagery? but if I’m just looking at this I think his reaction to the thread’s dead-ness is kind of wolfy

the next one I want to talk about is Light. Light complains about the lack of posts:

but once again doesn’t really do anything to drive the thread forward and cause there to be more than 225 posts. The closest thing I could find is

this, which is technically a question, but since it’s pretty clearly a joke I don’t think it really counts.

overall, this makes me feel worse about Light, since it’s a pretty archetypical ‘complaining about threadstate but not doing anything to change it’ sort of thing

I couldn’t really find anything else that relevantly fit these patterns, as far as I could tell (I may have missed something) most people entered the thread for the first time at a point when there were other people at least vaguely existing in it, and no one else that I found from a skim + search of key words really involved complaining about the deadness of the thread


occasionally when I talk to me I vaguely feel like you’re trying to appease me/preemptively please me

is there a reason for that

/vote Light

do you individuals manage to write so much
no wonder you’re a humanities major ._.

I love you sometimes <3

that’s probably just my personality shining through tbh. i’m a people pleaser naturally and i like to treat people politely

mind if you can show me some quotes though?

one time when I was playing off-site I wrote a 4000-word wallpost for SoD

I’m pretty sure everyone hated me :upside_down_face:


Anyway, I am back now.
Had a board game night where we did sidereal confluence and king of tokyo

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question from a student
how is this different (more/less scummy) than not posting at all?

…did not mean to quote whole post there