Corrupt Votes - Informed Dead Chat

Sorry. Give me some time.

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And cheese continues to be a useless piece of s**t.

It was You!?!? R

Yeah I dunno why Appel didnā€™t just kill Arete and get me to yeet PKR then Kill me.

I got Areteā€™s back donā€™t worry! :grin:
Once Conduit flipped Town I figured out the team (or at least where it is)

It just takes me time. I need flips to be able to Completely solve a game and yes sure I can be right at the gecko it ainā€™t always the case, when a flip of mine is wrong I always Re-Eval.

I tunnel because in my perspective I believe Iā€™m correct until proven otherwise.
Then I Re-Eval and become correct.

I donā€™t TR people because they make a good post but rather how they do stuff and how they go about it.

Itā€™s weird. I know. Iā€™m weird.

I was pretty close too when I died :man_shrugging:

Noā€¦ Arete. Read back past villagersā€¦ Like me. Lol

So basically the whole game. Ok

Yes it was and Arete is town. The last scum is Appel.

Cheese is being worse than an idiot.

Heā€™s actively worked against town the entire game.

At least he was an obvious VI, unlike Derps, gorta and Pkr, who have been equally unhelpful (Gorta has started being ok though)

@CallMeIo told you I didnā€™t thug you, but good job regardless

Can I murder pkr for not realising lemon is Alice?

Honestly for the Town to win they have to vote Lemon at this point.

True. Very true.