Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

quoting this so arete knows to quote it again postgame

also holy shit i just saw this

this is IDENTICAL to this


Arete said goddamn

Time to get the boxing gloves
Who am i beating up

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cloned apparently



Woah thats

What the fuck thats actually the same situation

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i hate that arete’s probably going to die here when light is pretty obvious

it literally is and if appel is a wolf it’s uncanny

arete: angry post
marshal: arete i love you calm down
arete: why do i feel like you know my alignment

arete: angry post
appel: arete i love you calm down headpat
arete: why do i feel like you know my alignment


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Oh cheese has triplevote

Rip arete maybe

i’m gonna drink hot sauce if they yeet arete here

Appel is a wolf

I’d case but on mobile rn

But appel is a wolf
Everything they have said recently is wolfy as fuck

Also they make the most sense in a light scum world
maybe derps fits that too idk i didnt pay attn to derps

i could probably just… read her posts

but thats effort

first name basis?

ive never seen anyone call derps ian

appel derps w/w glgl

(this read is dumb but also ???)

light/appel team i’ve solved the game

Holy shit light wolfy pop-in

that popin was so wolfy i just lost hearing in my left ear

im not joking

wait nvm its back

popin is still wolfy as shit tho

No she calls everyone by their first name lmao

She calls derps ian all the time

Thats a shit read

have never seen this

but the read wasnt serious

good thing she doesnt call me by my first name tbh

She calls evo josiah and trochi grace
And derps ian

Etc etc

First name read = bad
for appel specifically

i didnt even know that was evos name


does she call you robert