Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

Now that I think about it, it’s legit 2 sides that both have majority, now that’s surely is crazy.

If ArcticXI is eliminated, then Centuries will join the communist chat.

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Sculptordwarf to Leafia: Don’t hint we’re masons entirely, I want to stay alive as long as possible.

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We’re going to see a w/w fight so they look t v t. Lets see how it pans out.

Imagine a game where all the fights are between wolves. Oh wait a minute it’s this game.

I believe such hero shots have a new name on this website.

Never mind, they’re just hero shots. Some of them good and others not so good.

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sculptorderps is goated im a derps fanboy

Imagine if this is Hippo

Talking about Vulgard. She ain’t wrong.

wazza grats on the straw

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seems like pretty cool, as long as it dont taste like metal

idk why I’m so happy about it, it’s a metal straw but it’s nice.

and thank you.

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my game opens for signups tomorrow, im kinda hype but idk if it fills.

will be lighting the beacons shortly

what beacons

into the icibalusverse

oh shit HYPE

I’d in but I’m keeping myself on signup blacklists (also it expires in another month still)