Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Nah, flavor has meanings and roles are supposed to be role rele…



I get it.

also uh
if you think that us being in nato at the start of the game justifies the neighborhood existing

then nightingale’s flavor makes absolutely 0 sense
i will just say that much

wow, Soviet Union is a great role, ngl.

it’s so wildly different that nightingale claiming it in our neighborhood is basically a mafia claim
but that’s if we assume the neighborhood makes sense flavorwise

And you might be right about rampage too, wow.

I hate thinking about setup, it let’s me realize how much I missed so far.

I might just out it

Nightingale’s flavor claim is South Korea

Which is um

0% related to the other flavors in the neighborhood as far as I can tell



Speaking of flavor, I know people are thinking the 1-shot BP I have seems more of a wolf ability. But it appears to have been given to go along with the flavor of Iceland. It talks about the background story here that Iceland joined NATO and entered military cooperation with the US in defending its strategic location.

little brother found


My class card says that I got the backing of NATO after the Korean Peninsula got divided because I was sort of screwed and stuff.
I just didn’t connect the dots at all.
My role is the only one directly relating to the neighbourhood itself, so it makes sense flavour-wise to me that all the other countries would be NATO members.

Oh, mine flavor is about hating you all.

And wanting to crush you all.


Mine is just getting pissed off at the countries around me for trying to take my land and deciding that I either cry to america and nato to help me or become communist and get shat on even more from the countries around me

Min flavor into min words

To be fair, Luxemburd sent a whooping 44 soldiers to help in korean war.

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My ability is that I’m responsible for the hood’s existence, so it closes when I die. Furthermore, I can kick someone out once per night. At this point, if I die, it doesn’t matter at all if the hood closes, and if it did, I’m perfectly okay with wolves wasting KP on my slot to shut it down.

We kicked YBW out on N2, but it ended up not mattering.

Belgium sent 900 soldiers to Korea.

Greece 1263.

Luxemburg… 44.

Makes sense.

Oh, that’s interesting that you can kick out members :slight_smile:

Maybe they were very elite soldiers :slight_smile:

I mean, China sent 2.970.000 soldiers.

So they had to be very elite to beat that.

Haha yeah. Here in Taiwan we hope all our troops and forces are elite enough to beat them, too. :slight_smile: