Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Okay, that would be good. Thanks. I know it is late for you now, so won’t expect it until sometime tomorrow.

D2 Voting Timeline

So the main D2 wagons between Arctic and Gorta started with Centuries voting on Gorta. He didn’t give a particular reason other than pressuring someone in the PoE. Centuries was still a lost wolf at that point in time.


Then after some discussions among people about Gorta, Arctic joined the wagon.


Astand follows onto the wagon not long after.


So already 3 scum on the Gorta wagon. Then there’s some wolf theater between Min and Arctic where Min is basically calling Arctic scum. Astand inserts a comment in the middle as well. Scultpor starts the Arctic wagon.


Scultpor gets Min to join the wagon.


Vul moves his vote to Gorta.


ATNoName votes on Arctic, though also questioning Gorta’s slot. Eevee joins as well, which ends up tying the wagons.


Then there’s lots of discussions and vote movements until the wagons build up to 6 votes each.


Couple more votes get the wagons to 7 votes each.


Then Vul breaks the tie by switching from Gorta to Arctic. And then the day ends with Arctic getting cuddled.


Okay, there was tons to go through for D2. I didn’t read all the back and forth interactions closely, just enough to get the gist. I was mainly focused on the voting timeline between the Arctic and Gorta wagons. From what people said about how this spewed Gorta as town, I get the impression that people think from looking at the vote results that scum were trying to save Arctic by voting for Gorta. But I believe the timeline shows a possibly different view of what went on.

It looks like scum were possibly attempting to bus Gorta early on. Yes, it started with the lost wolf Centuries who wouldn’t really be part of the plan. But then a couple other scum jumped onto the opportunity. The Arctic wagon was later started by town and then built up alongside the Gorta wagon. So it may have just by chance got to be W/W wagons. Of course Arctic would stay on the Gorta wagon as self-pres. And Astand had to stay on Gorta since they had already built up a case on Gorta being scum.

Min flipped from Gorta to Arctic. Maybe the plan was still to try to push the Gorta bus. Min is known to switch votes around easily, so it wasn’t unusual. Vul joined back on Gorta as well.

But then when it was very close to EoD and looked like it might be tied and would be randed, Vul made the final switch so it wouldn’t rand. Not sure if this choice was made independently by Vul or together with the others. It very well could have been independent since the time was very tight.

The result makes both Vul and Gorta look very good going forward. Vul for being on the scum cuddle. And Gorta for appearing to have been used to try to save Arctic.

Now this is just another view of the D2 voting. It still could be W/V wagons as assumed. But after looking at this more closely, I’m not as confident going along with that assumption like the previous day.

Anyway, that’s enough for now. I have other stuff I really should be working on. :slight_smile: I’ll check the thread later this evening around the time you both should be waking up.

In particular, I’m interested in what Nightingale has to say about the D2 voting now. She was fairly confident it spewed Gorta as town, but I’m wondering if she feels differently now. Yes, I realize I could be speaking with W!Nightingale, but a response from either alignment will be interesting. :slight_smile:

Oh, I got this mixed up. I meant Min flipped from Arctic to Gorta.

She’ll have to say so because it’s between me and her. No one has counter claimed your role, I know my role, and she knows hers. From her perspective I have to be the mafia and from my perspective she is the mafia. Her reactions today have been interesting imho

how does this affect your read?

The mix up doesn’t affect the read. I just typed the first part incorrectly but the result was basically correct.

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Yeah I’m interested in seeing her reaction today. Even though I’m currently leaning towards voting you, Gorta, I remember that Leafia was saying they were getting scum vibe on Nightingale. Now that’s not based on much, but Leafia was the night kill instead of me. So I have to consider whether this was done by W!Nightingale to keep from getting voted on. Leafia is known to often stick with their vibe and push hard on that, so the chance of persuading them might have seemed slim.

Are you 1 shot?

Yes just 1-shot

That explains it, so, you could be expected to vote me here. Leafia would have voted Night

I’m not entirely certain on my read, and I know this is important. I don’t want to screw this up.

Anyway, hope you’ll still be available later for the cross vote and any further discussion.

Actually I’m surprised you’re on now. Must be really late.

I don’t pity you here.

I still think that Gorta wasn’t a pack wolf on D2, otherwise it really doesn’t make sense. I’ll check maybe the interactions on their side? I think they’re more likely to be a Centuries-type lost wolf

The Rat flip and an offsite game completely killed my ability to play
even though I know who the last wolf is

I should be sleeping soon, but tomorrow I’ll explain why Nightingale is the wolf here

I hadn’t considered that wolves might only want Gorta dead because of prior wagon setup

Astand was trying to play that EoD to look villagery, which is why they hedged their read on Arctic at the last second. If Astand was prioritizing their long-term position, it’s possible that they wouldn’t do that on flips that are guaranteed to make them look terrible? This isn’t the type of argument I usually like to make.