Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Are you 1 shot?

Yes just 1-shot

That explains it, so, you could be expected to vote me here. Leafia would have voted Night

I’m not entirely certain on my read, and I know this is important. I don’t want to screw this up.

Anyway, hope you’ll still be available later for the cross vote and any further discussion.

Actually I’m surprised you’re on now. Must be really late.

I don’t pity you here.

I still think that Gorta wasn’t a pack wolf on D2, otherwise it really doesn’t make sense. I’ll check maybe the interactions on their side? I think they’re more likely to be a Centuries-type lost wolf

The Rat flip and an offsite game completely killed my ability to play
even though I know who the last wolf is

I should be sleeping soon, but tomorrow I’ll explain why Nightingale is the wolf here

I hadn’t considered that wolves might only want Gorta dead because of prior wagon setup

Astand was trying to play that EoD to look villagery, which is why they hedged their read on Arctic at the last second. If Astand was prioritizing their long-term position, it’s possible that they wouldn’t do that on flips that are guaranteed to make them look terrible? This isn’t the type of argument I usually like to make.

This is Arctic’s first wolfgame?
Serious props in terms of spew

You could only argue that I am groupscum based on my claim. How am I a lost wolf? Arctic’s role makes my claim look legitimate, so I would have to be damn lucky and guess or be groupscum if I am mafia. I don’t think lost wolves get fake claims

You only claimed after Arctic flipped, right?

I can tell you that Vul and Min were trying to pocket me. I am incredibly easy to pocket when someone is defending me against the masses.

before (after which point Min voted me)

Literally no one believed my claim

In claiming a role that checks if a flip was altered that would require co-ordination or serious planning. Most people don’t get that lucky. I think the fact that I was pushed by the entire scum team hard clears me of being group scum.

I’m going to leave thread now because of anxiety stuff

25 hours remain.


/vote Gorta @Wazza @CRichard564
I don’t see my vote ending up anywhere else today, for totally obscure reasons

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