Court Wizard Rework Survey

It seems to me that 4 is not liked by anyone.

2 seems interesting but makes CW yet another death prevention class

that leaves 1 and 3

1 is super hard to understand at a glance compared to 3

thus 3 is the obvious choice.


I agree, as does Nuclear, but the feedback is going to be there anyways

Players are not happy with no feedback


Those can already be confirmed.

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4 is way better than 2 imo

I meant to say something else.

It can confirm the CW WITH occupies and preventions

Overall less feedback is better but here it’s worth the downsides to make the class more engaging.

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It wouldn’t tell you anything. You would have to be attacked to find out.


Oh, so it doesn’t tell you what you get. ok

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Well that’s not really saying much.

Magic Barrier and Ice Ward have good usage, you know? Tornado just makes the class really versatile, and overall the concept is alright.

Teleport is just kinda bland, lacking general utility while also having a relatively low skill cieling.

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Okay guys. I agree on anything that does not give court wizard conversion immunity. I Disagree with anything that does. You can say it kills all evils but its not convertible and I will be like go away please sir.

Ok it can be converted but auto kills the assassin if he is.

No to OP.

Fine he also kills the sheriff on conversion.

A blanket empower could be a good scout like day ability, but it’s not nearly strong enough to be the main power.

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This fixes the conversion thing

I kinda like that tbh

I think Rework 4 is good, but MB should be the day power while Ice Ward is the night power.

Ice Ward would be a more fun power, so I think it’s better to have MB on the side.

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kay kill him

1 is:
-too complicated for new players
-overpowered. Yes, overpowered. Kill prevention on Killer aka Prince? GG. Siphon S/I? Unconvertable for the next 2 nights.
And Tornado on top.

4: I do not need to repeat this, no? Old CW on steroids. OP.
2:In addition to many other problems with Teleport(such as confirming the redirected person as innocent and not having any drawback) it has a disproportionate effect on the Reaper. An effect we already see on the Drunk. Especially if the attack is being redirected to a bad target for reaper.
And Tornado is made useless for everything but conversion prevention.
3:I like this the most. It isn’t boring, you have a good skill ceiling, your options do something. The notification should be general; only that something was bypassed, not what it was.