Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

You are sounding rude, tbh

Wait till lylo it will end your misery

it’s not my fault, it’s just chess.

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Curb your fucking ego

Squid’s frustration seems completely genuine to me, I think they are unlikely to be scum. Fight me.


@ashe Maximus isn’t even in the game my dude. How can he just say those things and say things when not in the game?

Sorry Squid post game I promise to explain what I think is going on. Or sooner if scum kill me instead of mislynch me which I mean they are trying to mislynch me lol don’t think they will succeed

They are scum. We lynch them at lylo

I deleted it?

Well i thought that too, but then she said to ignore two people and to lynch her so

Sam focus that’s outside the game. :slight_smile:

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You did indeed

I’m ready to copy my result from last night so I can be modkilled in peace and can calm down so nobody has to suffer

Chess hurts my soul.

Yeah I should focus on the real chess match.

I’ve said stuff like that too as town so I’d be a hypocrite to brand them as scum for saying it.

It’s worth it though just be a nice chess player

okay then

Chess is fun though, it makes the game the most fun