Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Tbh geyde seems town to me. Remember nfol hydra where I was Pala? This almost seems like the same case.

Iā€™m not necessarily getting a scum read off Geyde either since I have also been known to get kinda defensive regardless of alignment. Still looking forward to seeing the explanation though!

Cult should try to convert MathBlade tonight and hard bus him as mafia tomorrow if it fails :thinking:

If he isnā€™t Mafia, Mafia should shoot him because heā€™s probably a cultist


Do you like eating silver bullets?

Is your avatar from that creepy youtube series? It looks so familiar but I canā€™t remember what itā€™s called.


Yeh Sunny Family Cult

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Well, the live action side of it

Yeah, that one :laughing:

Btw Iā€™m anytime vig do you like silver bullets?

I like any other type of bullets

/vote squid

Nah a fishing net might work better, have any of those lying around?

Who says a squid canā€™t be a werewolf HRMMMM

A fluffy squid. Pats.

This is the scum team. Youā€™ll thank me later when I flip anytime vig from the mafia being little bitches bad night killing me

Now thatā€™s confidence!

Too bad youā€™re wrong though since Iā€™m just a boring olā€™ citizen, but you can still aim for 75% :smiley:


I just exude confidence donā€™t i lol

Thereā€™s a confession BOIS EZ DUB ESKIETITTT