Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Then you’ll be the lynch of the day. A few people already have gone for you, and I’m willing to back them up. They have given other arguments at the moment, but my argument is that you’re trying something different to make yourself appear extremly townie when in fact, you gaining free town cred. Anyone can make a chart like that tbh.

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Only if the vig is making a stupid play. Of which if the vig does I will have words

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Well, who do you think the vig shot then? Do you think it was merc that was shot by the vig, since that’s what I think tbh with you.

why would merc ever be shot by the vig

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Agreed I think the vig shot Geyde and mafia shot Merc

I have seen games when unlimited vig shoots fake claimers that say that they’re vig

Merc is definitely a Marl+Kitten kill.

Wolfy fake claiming vigilante when they can shoot in the day isn’t wise.

Ok then…

I just want you’re opinion on why you think the vig shot…

Fuck. I think I already figured it out…

Why do you think they shot?

I do concede to that point, but often they cannot shoot till day 2.

Claiming vig D1?

The only way two kills happened at night is if vig was one of them.

Potentially. Or, for another reason. I think you might know the reason without me needing to spell it out to you

Wolfy I think Bazinga is cult. Agree or disagree?

Geyde was killed because they were scummy D1.


I agree with that no doubt.

But at the same time, there is another reason.

I think so. I think it’s a good shot because if Geyde flopped scum good vig. And if not then it saves a mislynch scum could push.

And I think best to move onto reasons easily visible through reading and not gut voodoo.

Bazinga cult
Marl scum
Litten scum

Yes this is good why
No this is bad why

I want reasons on both

At the moment, I’m not too sure. I’m just going through quick catch ups at the moment tbh with you since I’m not going to be home for too myuch longer as I need to go back to my student accomadation