Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

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I don’t even know who was with someone the whole time at time of death

Everyone who is clear or can clear someone else, please do and explain why / how


prooobably? AT

but we have time to figure this out

let’s not just give solving this up because of what italy says and let’s for the love of god not lock votes yet


Claim your AGI right now.

I won’t ever lie about my talent, but I will probably omit info about my talent until it is necessary

This is only possible if anyone else at the scene of the crime were traitors and tried to indirectly help the murderer. I still think AT is the only option here

pretty much, any other scenario would have to include the MM/traitors getting involved

I doubt this claim, but I think AT is the most likely blackened candidate here

Can y’all leave the crime scene untouched next time and let me work my magic before contaminating it? I honestly forgot I had this ability and next time I will think using those abilities. @TrustworthyLiberal probably knows what I am referring to

actually my ability isn’t as good as I think it is, so I don’t think what I said before matters


Could somebody give me a brief overview of the evidence so far?

I trust that kat being unconcious has cleared them, additionally.

I have one additional piece of evidence that I uncovered last night, although I doubt it’s of any use- the walls of the Ultimate Geisha lab are thin enough that, theoretically, somebody could saw through them to escape.

But I think we’d notice if somebody had done that.

The thing is that the only wall that has been vaguely disturbed in the room is the one with the two kunai in it (YES I’M STILL ON THE KUNAI THING), and again: we’d know if that wall had been cut through.

So, I think our conjecture still stands.

okay so
from the position of the wounds on PKR’s body, we know that the killer was standing directly in front of him at the point where the kill was occurring
but, correct me if I’m wrong, shouldn’t PKR have been unconcious?

which would seem to indicate, that at the time of death, PKR was awake???

Take a look at this crime scene diagram Alice made:

It’s a bit hard to make out the kuunai in the wall, but they’re definitely there. If you notice, the wounds line up perfectly if PKR is standing up at the time of his death.

This means that at the moment of his death, PKR was not unconcious.

At what point did the smoke bomb go off, and at what point did the alleged lost of conciousness occur?

I assumed it was done at when I was sealing the door
Crich went unconscious 2-4 minutes into the lab

yo @an_gorta_pratai alibi

My AGI is 66

What caused CRich to fall unconcious?

That’s what we’re trying to figure out, however I don’t even see any evidence towards it.

The tea wasn’t tampered with so.

It is most likely the smokes.