Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

what shitfest have i walked in on
i want my potentially overpowered yes/no question back

Min/PKR/TL confirm that they were there and then were kicked out due to when night fell, so this is impossible.

I want my fullcop fruits back smh

marshal can drag a person
he can’t pick them up

You know I said i’d answer literally any question gonestly (thats not “are you the blackened”, but when I say anything I mean anything)

nobody has asked it yet

Then why did he lie about me having the blanket? Unless he’s literally a WC that needs to fuck up trials to win he’s always the Blackened, or the MM in rare circumstances.

Again, Marshal IS a WC who wants to fuck trials, then who here is the actual Blackened?

if Marshal IS, EBWOP.

lift alice over you

As in hit?

can I do that rn

i’ll try

…he can fake not being able to lift me. We’d need a licensed physician to confirm that Marshal cannot do it.

i wonder who that could be

Attacked, knocked out, killed, whatever.

Zone died from being strangled not beat to death

There’s also no signs of any bruising other than around the neck therefore he couldn’t of killed zone via hitting him or attacked him physically the only thing zone had was a bump on his head from amelia hitting him with a shovel

Yes, that means that he either knocked Zone out with the bat, strangled him with the rope, or choked him with the blanket. Point is.

A) It was night.
B) Zone was dazed.
C) Marshal’s arms were fine.
D) Marshal has like 50 STR.

The “he was burned, he couldn’t kill Zone” argument is bullshit as these four points would make it a piece of cake for Marshal to kill him.

Also btw I still wanna know why there’s apparently a hole cut into the fabric of the blanket if I’m being honest rn that is so confusing

the argument has to do with marshal’s issues setting up the murder

And the evidence that he can’t life Zone is…?

App literally said he could if he got creative. The burns don’t clear him.

my fucking PhD you boomer