Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I keep forgetting just how many people there are here

Cuz seems overcomplex for why he wouldn’t sheep Helz which isn’t even something anyone asked about. I dont see how it’s relevant. You can disagree with people you townread.

Also, Tilg had no problem sheeping that PKR vote yesterday.

so to me it reads as a lot of “why I wouldn’t sheep” from someone who actually sheeps X-x

I wouldn’t say he sheeped PKR
he voted PKR while everyone else had switched to Wiisp

they did put effort in following through with silviu bandwagon earlier on too.
Plus their post and pressure on wiisp was written post day 1.
I can’t remember correctly but aelin’s playstyle so far seems to be focusing on a couple players and following through of them

why are ppl scum reading Blitz. I dont have much of an impression of them. I really don’t remember any Blitz post X-x

Will be back tonight.

Would love if people actually commented/talked to me about my big game state post

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hmmm… I think I might have ignored most of Silviu-related stuff after they claimed
thanks for correcting me

Yeah you’re the only one. brief summary on why you think Aelin is scum. Also if you’re a pair like Silviu said wouldn’t that make you think more that you’re the same alignment? You’re looking a bit tunnelly here.

basically I’ve been primarily sussed ony be lemon,tilg and zone. Give me a minute to grab their posts.
Everyone else has me as a null read for the most

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agree with this, but her tone was extremely easygoing like she had nothing to hide. carefree townie if I ever saw one.

I can’t speak for anyone else but I think their EOD1 actions didn’t look great (jumping wagons and sheeping). Also other than their reads list wall, I don’t think there’s anything I’d TL them for.

her post don’t feel formulated

I dont remember the EoD 1 wagon. do you remember who they shifted from? I am assuming they hopped onto PKR.

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I wouldn’t use the word carefree but I felt their lack of energy at times to be genuine

Wiisp then PKR
forgot who they were on originally… actually it might have been me :thinking:

he voted PKR in a post with nothing else in it never giving a read as to why he was doing so. that’s a bit sus to me. Then again I wasn’t around for EoD at all so idk what was happening around in the thread at the time. I just went based on the ISO.

Another factor to consider was the aelin only popped in for the last 20m of the end of the day and I don’t think they had read through the 100’s of post earlier from their tone. Their was signs of wanting to vote wiisp from luke and Kaif at around the same time

We really should be keeping a vote trend, I’m too busy to do it though.

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