Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

nah I was mainly adding on to that discussion about aelins vote at that time.

How so min?
Also yeah it can seem that way but for swapping back to PKR at the core I just wanted to ensure a tie didn’t happen

I’m doing something wrong if I end up backtracking this much, so I’ll do my best to reeval before EoD. I should be here for that, but there’s a small chance I’ll miss it in which case I’ll probably give a heads up and leave my vote and a legacy post of sorts on where I’m at.

Nah it’s the default protocol for PR claims. Scum has TMI.
Not angleshooting since literally all information is in the game thread. Just “who posted around that time and didn’t care for the bomb”.


its angleshooty, and gross


because i defended against the wiisp cfd as it looked bad at the time

because of this post that he made after saying min was scummy

assuming tie = no lynch here I can buy that


im not letting myself be grouped with tig because of that post lmao

@Tilgarial why not a min wagon

I wouldn’t if I were you X-x I mean we already have me and a mason outed. You’re my strongest town lean atm. If I’m right on you, the less info we give to scum the better.

ooooooooooooh wait I read reeval which means reevaluate as reveal. nvm nvm.

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going to bed now. good night everyone <3 will hopefully not miss EoD this time.

That is a lovely explanation, but it does not answer my question.

This is what happened:

  • I saw you say I scumread Lemlem
  • I say I don’t remember doing that
  • You responded by explaining the tracking and/or marking thingy
  • I (want to) ask you why you explained about your means (i.e. tracking) rather than your ends (i.e. saying I scumread Lemlem)

The only interaction I had with Lemlem at D1 was the meta topic with the war, but that got resolved peacefully with my side effectively doing nothing to her. I don’t recall actively scumreading her.

*squints eyes*
Welp. It is what it is.
Please restrain yourselves next time.
Clogging the thread is not good in general.


Lmao how so
It’s like seeing how people are reacting at the D1 EoD

What I’m seeing is either people misinterpreting what I mean or actively discouraging seeing how people react to Marl’s/his mason’s mason claim

To my knowledge: Yes.

My guess as to their reasoning is:

  • From town’s perspective, lying would hurt town more than it benefits them.
  • From scum’s perspective, lying would get them killed once town notices an inconsistency with ther Investigatives.

I forgot about its definition until you mention this, but yes that is the correct definition.

Lemlem. I asked for your take on EOD.
I did not ask you to recreate and comment on each and every post of EOD.
Had you actually quoted all posts of EOD, then I would’ve pulled a DotA #20 and ignored it entirely.

People CFD’ed to PKR. There is your push-back. Now I ask again: What makes it unlikely for Wiisp to flip scum?

Which reactions and which frustrations?
NGL, min’s been UTR in each and every game because of reasons beyond my understanding.

…Lemlem. If we are speaking of hypotheticals, then you do realize that -while Tilg’s vote can be seen as scum defending scum!Wiisp- it could also be seen as town voting town (i.e. PKR), right?

…actually, I might need to check why Tilg voted PKR over anyone else before I can start being the Devil’s Advocate for no reason.
–man, I need to do a lot of stuff for this game that it’s actually ridiculous.

Which part of his “I admit being an opportunist” was okay to you?

He admitted “mostly TR’ing” PKR.
He admitted sheeping the “null to scumlean” Wiisp wagon.
He admitted “adjusting to the situation” of Aelin voting PKR by voting his “mostly townread” read.

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You did what you said you wanted to do. Cool.
Now what do I gain from this?

What was the point of grabbing everyone’s posts as to why you are scummy?
What is the point of openly declaring and/or flexing that everyone reads you as null?

I know for a fact that you started a new topic 5 minutes afterwards, but please don’t give me the excuse of “I forgot about it”.

Windward, IDK about you, but when I say “I skim the thread” I meant that I actively only search for anything relating me. In other words: Yes, I ignored your wallposts.

I did not read your questioning on Blitz on D1.
I am probably not going to search that convo through your ISOs.
The post I quoted was Blitz answering Lemlem and not you.

Let me borrow Lemlem’s argument for a moment and ask you: “What if Wiisp/Tilg are W/W?”
Wouldn’t it be “rational” for Tilg to defend Wiisp by rejuvinating PKR’s wagon?

Stop living in fantasy and start accepting reality.
Fix that problem and evaluate objectively.

The fact that a post is good doesn’t mean it can’t come from a scum. Don’t let 1 good thing make you forget about 99 bad things.

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And why exactly is a tie bad? The OP doesn’t even state whether a tie results in a [random hug in tie] or [no hug]. @osieorb18

There was 3 minutes left with a three way tie on Kaif, Wiisp, and PKR.
Aelin switched to PKR. Wiisp’s wagon lost a voter.
The only way a tie happens is if someone voted Kaif, or if someone from PKR’s wagon left.

Now, what makes you TR Kaif so much that you don’t even want any chances of him dying D1?