Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

to me? no, not really, or at least I don’t remember anything off the top of my head from either slot that could’ve spewed the other as a wolf. I only remember Aelin pointing it out and I don’t remember if she gave examples of which posts she thought looked w/w.

I literally didn’t see it as a counterclaim and I still don’t, but that’s because I define counterclaims as directly claiming a role that conflicts with the other role, and not the thing with the flavors. They didn’t even try to claim the same flavor; Wiisp outright just lied about his flavor code which was… weird and I’m not sure what purpose it served unless he figured out exactly what importance the flavors have.

What I said above in this post. I didn’t see it as a CC; I did see it as a “someone is lying” but would not have called it a counterclaim, and I still won’t.

Yeah, this.

It’s because I already had Aelin as a townlean for a while, only slipped her down a bit because people were saying they thought she was being wolfy and that I must be wrong, but I said clearly and openly that I’d take Aelin’s word over Wiisp’s if there was a wolf between the two of them. I said it was either T/T or T/W with Wiisp as the wolf.

I think this is a towny reason except that you also used caps lock in your response to Lemonfairy so I’m a little worried that I can’t tell if you’re trying to purposely point out how towny you’ve been. I’m still fine with townreading you at the moment, though. You’re not townreading me for having used caps lock, or townreading Guillo/Whysper for having used caps lock when we were arguing that each other were scum, though, so what’s up? I guess you probably didn’t read that mess but if you want to solve both our slots it would be something I’d suggest you look at and interpret however you want.

wdym, I’ve been voting every day. It’s a weekend and I got very drunk last night and was out all day today lol.

/vote Helz
@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

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i feel like we’ve reached the point where i might have to tell my gut to stfu when it comes to wisdom
and realize that they truly have nothing (public) going for them

its like
idk i want them to be town bc my lizard brain says so

@min i really do need you to expand on what happened in sync for that 180 to occur from you please
@Wisdom if you could do some paraphrasing of your thoughts from there it would be appreciated

Second of all regardless If you read any of my games that I posted you’d see that I’m playing literally nothing like my mafia game and as mafia I wouldnt of even voted let alone resisted the wagon of my partner considering how big the game is I’m not that new or stupid anymore

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@Aelin considering you’re pretty much a pseudo-clear it’d be appreciated if you could give thoughts today as well
since theres a distinct chance we dont see you tomorrow lol

do you still think i could be w/w with wisp
whats your read on me rn

I’ll give you that

Votecount incoming

for real this time i hope


I already explained

I went in there and their posting was genyinely townie and they understood why I scumread them and they then actually did stuff that they didnt do In thread like they got a boost of wim

The only thing I’m meh about is because we had a protective action and since I slept though action submission they chose luk

I hate reading games I’m not in with a passion. I have no idea how you felt in the thread because I wasn’t there so I can’t make any sort of judgement from that. I find it hard enough when ISO’ing

No it makes sense lol I barely can tell how people.feel through most text until they use the funny flavor enhancer words and then they’re probably mad

I’m also at 80 there. It’s not just paranoia, actually.

Call it confbias but it looks like a wolf undecided on who the agenda for the day should be, or trying to figure out whether to vote between a teammate and a townie to spew or antispew.

This is very specifically why I thought he was white knighting me

yeah, that.

Talk to me, @Helz. Why does it feel like you’re OMGUSing everyone who thinks you’re scum (Lukundo, Wisdom, Chloe) except for me? What are you trying to accomplish here?

100 more posts to go through, almost caught up. Breaking this into shorter posts for people not to complain about my walls.

yeah im asking what ‘stuff’ they did
paraphrase it for us

the amount of content i’ve seen from wisdom today doesnt match the amount of content you’re saying she provided last night and im having a hard time seeing her thought process
would really help to solve her

If I just die soon or I’m here typing for more than 10 minutes, I’ve nodded off. I’m on my way out now tbh but mafia go brr

Hey guys anyone knows when EoD is


Votee Voted by Votes
Helz TheLukundo, Wisdom, Chloe, WindwardAway 4/8
Lemonfairy min, Zone_Q11, Whysper 3/8
Whysper Nikamara 1/8
Wisdom Blitz, Helz 1/8
Zone_Q11 Mercenary 1/8
Not Voting Aelin, Lemonfairy, Prophylaxis, SirDerpsAlot 4

Remember to tag the hosts and make your vote extra visible (Separate line, bold) if you want it to reliably be counted. (This includes Eli.)

Also ping us for any missed votes or errors, thanks!




They read through wiisps iso and explained basically spew that happened and they posted a readslist here to kinda demonstrate all they did

Wisdom said wisp spews zone as scum but never elaborated much as to why?

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Wait why tf is Helz being wagoned

EoD is at 2021-05-09T17:30:00Z

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gamer shit

you wouldnt understand

We like the wagon, we like the voters