Death City - (0/19 Players) - [8/8 Blood Moons] - Game Over - Geyde, Solic, and Apprentice won!

Thanks, I’m in now. :slight_smile:

Yeah I was prior to Solic escaping

I was still planning to help neuts and evils win prior to the explosion too

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I’m curious about more things.

What was the effects of the vial that I found in the 3616th locker?
How did the machine from waste treatment plant broke and what benefits we would have if we repaired it?
What item would you receive from the fountain in front of the skyscraper?

A) Would raise CON +2.
B) It was broken by default, and no, you guys couldn’t fix it.
C) Whysper got it. Part of the puzzle for the Necklace of the Paladin relic.


I see, thanks.


So… as some of you may know, Thanatology/Death City was based after an abandoned project that I was making in RPG Maker that was like 75% based on DR and 25% based on the VLR trilogy. So I decided to pick it up again and start working on it.

The gist of the story is that eighteen college and post-grad students were kidnapped and find themselves in a torn-down city that is named Death City. After they all meet together they encounter the eight Death City GMs, who then inform them that to escape, they need to kill another “player” and pass the Death City Trial, which is pretty much a class trial.

I’m basically already done with the prologue and CH1’s coming pretty well. OwO


i’m that really buff guy in the middle


Name of the cast from left to right are…

Lyra Veritas, the Thanatos Psychologist

Hawthorne Kreuz, the Thanatos Forensicist

Celia Malcroft, the Thanatos Orator

Saul Elo, the Thanatos Grandmaster

Camille Vivaldi, the Thanatos Physician

Astor Black, the Thanatos Thespian

Freya Tordenskold, the Thanatos Attorney

Raphael Turing, the Thanatos Programmer

Gloria Riviera, the Thanatos Musician

Tristan King, the Thanatos Boxer

Seraphina Alexandropoulos, the Thanatos Priestess

Zophiel Barbas, the Thanatos Novelist

Tara Fiore, the Thanatos Conservationist

Sid Marion, the Thanatos Engineer

Tessa Yamamoto, the Thanatos Mangaka

Victor van den Berg, the Thanatos Artist

Charlotte d’Oscura, the Thanatos Fashion Designer

Khan Fremenn, the Thanatos Chemist

Each character effectively has a field of specialty, similar to how Danganronpa works.


Hold up

Something’s wrong here

Post-grad being that previously to winding up in Death City that Saul was doing his doctorate in mathematics, Camille was in medical school, and Freya was in law school.

The remainder are just finishing the bachelor’s.

It was a “anime is always high school” joke but ok

Serious answer to a non-serious quest? That setting’s way overused.


this can only end well

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Oh my, the inspiration hits again.

I have like 3 games that I’m developing and I’m cycling between them non-stop.


Well, I’m glad you won’t die bored.

I suppose they’re all VLDRs?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Fortified Tower 3 - Round 7 (?/14)


Currently a screenshot of how the game has been going on. OwO.

I’m currently loving how the maps have turned out, especially with the lighting and special effects.


Oh, and the context of the screenshot is that Hawthorne’s referring to a mystery person called the Architect who’s the designer of the Death City Games and is one of the eighteen players who are in the game, in the same vein as the Mastermind in Danganronpa v3.