Death Road to Canada[RP/Game] Canned


Well, no.

the wiki isnā€™t the best guide for you here.

You are basing these off of it
Iā€™m going to copy the solutions and NERD

I guess call them a nerd them

We still need 2 more. But yeah, at worst the paper towels will turn into a monster and eat us


Dumb mod hint:

Remember, it will only take 2/3 of the time to get to canada as usually in the game.

some other unexplained things might be made into 2/3 of what the game is.

A.K.A. Nerd bonus activates on the third.

not telling you what it is though

About 3-4 Hours left to hammer an event choice

if there arenā€™t enough votes we are just gonna go for the one with the most votes.

you can also puppet your fellow party memberā€™s votes

/puppet everyone the nerd option

The party collectively calls the paper towels a nerd. Nothing happens. What did you expect?

You all feel a little tingle

Secret counter: 1/2

rolling ABL locations

@discobot roll 4d80

:game_die: 37, 48, 79, 11

1 Like

The party has arrived at a location!

The florida panhandle is a strange place. A mix of redneck, wealth, and everything in-between

Where would the party like to go?

  • Gym(In city)
  • Fancy House
  • Grocery Store(In city)
  • Cabin Rescue (Explorer perk)

0 voters

The party will arrive upon majority(3 votes to a choice)

-8 gas.

You have 24 hours to make a choice

Also please do not vote in the polls if not part of the game

cough cough @eevee

I agree with Eeveeā€™s evaluation

also @Boss110 this is a prod because you havenā€™t been active for two days.

if you donā€™t respond in 24 hours iā€™ll let someone else(probably from spec chat) take your slot because i want this to be somewhat active


my bad. You good boss.