Death Road to Canada[RP/Game] Canned

Gym is pretty good for weapon
Grocery Store I think is a worse version of Mart?
Fancy House… Probably not that good
Cabin Rescue will probably results in sieges but the rewards will be worth it. The problem is can we survive it when only two of us have weapon?

I’d Go cabin

/choose cabin

I’ll work on making the ABL but don’t expect it for 5 or so hours because theater + scool

The Party Is driving along the road when they hear the sounds of zombies and a squeaky voice coming from a cabin and calling for help. They drive up to the cabin, but, while trying to get a closer look, they are surrounded!I


You are under seige. This seige will last 3 hours(3 waves of zombies). You can choose what weapons you wish to take with you. You will only be able to loot the cabin and save/gain assistence from the NPC once you clear the wave that you entered the cabin.

Before each wave, you have the option to enter the cabin. Doing so will add 7 zombies to the wave count, but will also allow you to be assisted by the NPC and gain any possible weapons from the cabin after that wave.

You will have 24 hours to strategize and prepare weapons before entering the first wave. Everybody fights in every wave.

Ping me with any questions.


I already told you guys that this will most likely result in a siege

I’ll use axe

I think we just go inside
Bonus value

Axe Geyde

No u

Howdy, you can’t stop me.

Yes I can

How about this: I hold the horde off in an epic tale, and you all flee?


Everyone’s happy that way.

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 8

The Party Is surrounded! Wave 1/3 Begins, with 26 zombies.

Does the party wish to enter the cabin in this wave?(First person to answer is the answer)

after the answer comes the wave roll will be calculated.

We seriously need a weapon

If 3 people are in the cabin while one person is outside (and fails the wave), would that one person take one damage (or?)