Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

While I really don’t think you’re the Lich, the worst thing we could do right now is be wrong.

Everyone has scumtells, you just need to look deep into them. I’ll do my thing and you do yours, so don’t try to dodge this one

i don’t know his meta scumtells.

i can post base townie and scummy posts and why they are townie and scummy

but im not gonna do a fuckin analysis of everything PKR has done and his meta

if you dont think im lich execute me then

its majority so theres no harm in just placing it there

If you don’t know them, then find them
I don’t want to do all this hard work while you sit on your butt and whine about me all day

lul you have like a 10x easier job

im gonna do an ISO of PKR but a full meta analysis and reads thing will take 2+ hours of difficult work

so i ain’t doin it

scumtells aren’t magically found.

I know a few for some people but i doubt i could find a relevant one especially with the lack of PKR wolfgames recently(he just has wow:Bfa iirc)

But you see, I am a spineless coward.

like squid you have to prove why you could be framed.

and i have to prove why PKR isn’t scum.

even though it should be really fucking easy to tell that PKR isn’t scum.

We don’t just have to see if Pkr was scum.
We could see if you’re scum.

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this is obviously from someone who has the arbiter info he does.

and while he interpereted it wrong it’s clear he is in an arbiter mindset

well i can’t be any type of groupscum thanks to our justicar.

so at worst i am a neutral

and if anyone can confirm my PKR syllable info then you can rule that out too.

i asked the mod and factions aren’t the same as teams though

yeah i know hence me saying he interperted it wrong but it comes from someone who got that info

at the same time; either we only have a max of 3 neuts or there is no NK, because supposedly 3 groupscum factions rolled and that means there’s at least one of each

yeah im thinking it’s an NK in the groupscum/NK slot, 2 scum in scum slots, 1 any scum, and however many any neuts

execute me you cowards
if you don’t think i’m lich where’s the risk

Who said the Justicar wasn’t the N1 convert

The risk is being wrong.

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the fact that there is at least 3 groupscum, at least 2 neuts, and a claimed NK(and a likely NK even if that NK isn’t NK)

i doubt that conversion exists at this point