Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

4 Mafia vs 4 Town + 1 Neut doesn’t end the game, does it?

I assume it’s because mafia’s wincon is to reach parity with town specifically and not just parity.

Which seems to be an ill fit for this setup.

It was 4 v 4

  • 1 Neut.

You shouldn’t end a game when there’s a neut still around that can save the BD. That’s just a dick move.


I think I read the OP incorrectly and didn’t see Simon died, my bad, his name wasn’t bold so I missed it lol.

Still, the game had too many bastard mechanics tbh.

There were two glaring issues with mafia being able to anonymously announce messages.

  1. This mechanic was hidden, which left no way to know.
  2. The host allowed them to use colored text, which gave them the ability to fake Justiciar.
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I think it wouldn’t have been as bad if it was announced.


imagine having custom mechanics, including some you dont know, and still mechanically clearing someone

i called the bullshit because of the Determined passive, but nobody ever listened

Just don’t clear for mechanics in a GI game

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don’t make a mechanic like that hidden to mech confirm people

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Don’t mech confirm people

i was the only person not to mech confirm people you potato

No u


You just didn’t clear anyone in general

i outright called out marshal and shurian on their BS

Call them out harder!