Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Everything points to 0 Syndicate tho

shurian im pretty sure justicar just checks for general evils

Incoming Message: The Syndicate has an anti-claim mechanic in play.

I think I killed my own braincells

Good job me

actually i am sure sure

becausae i asked the hosts

oh boy

eh it means nothing

just confirming shurian as justciar basically

Now I have two reasons not to claim :^)

Thanks, Justicar.

pretty sure justicar can spawn without syndicates

and that that whole ability can do that shit either way

ask the hosts

what if my check is legit and the entire Kai wagon is actually scum

Goodnight cuties <3

No… I mean my other thing…
Nobody marked at all.

Then why on Earth would they say “The Syndicate have this” and not “A certain group of scum have this”

ask the hosts on that interaction

Bucko, we both know Derps is going to sleep, we can’t ask him

seriously im getting “scumread” on fake mechanical bullshit that can be easily cleared up with the hosts

don’t use that as a point against me unless you asked the hosts themselves

then wait

I am now a nigh impossibility

Now I clear Diggity and Marshal
Have fun guys