Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

Ask the fucking host if pkr’s results are ossible

Mechanics are for nerds

they aren’t on the same team
kicks table
immediately regrets kicking table barefooted

Host is asleep

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that’s the point of multiballs

with a maximum of 2
your information is completely invalid

we literally can’t have three

I’m asking the hosts this exact question and you should too

If there was 1 scumteam of an enemy stand user, unseen member, and cult of marshal member, what would an arbiter be told the factions were.

If it’s PKRs results

Then his results are true

The question you should ask immediately after is if that’s possible.

i could go on and on listing possibilities
you and shuri could both be scum
pkr could be fake
etc etc, some end with you being good, others end with you on the chopping block

I got an answer

Its… shocker,

Enemy stand user, unseen, cult of marshal

That could be a good reason why he didn’t mention the scum factions in his logs

Shurian is confirmed justicar via justicar messages

So unless scum were for some reason given the ability to bastardly fake justicar messages, me, shuri, dignity are all conf town

In a game with supposedly no syndicate
A factional investigative that lacks the faction they check

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Ah fyck that thing made me forget everything I was gonna say

Oh well

Justicar when they find Unseen:

Must be BD

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any more claims you got for me to shoot down, marshal?

Justicar acts like normal cop

Checks for wincon not just syndicate