Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

scroll up to 5 seconds ago where i just proved you wrong

and yes, that’s from the grand idea thread, not the LT thread

i will wait patiently but don’t expect me to forget and don’t think you can worm out of this easily

Aka the hosts


Ask the hosts how justicar checks

As it turns out, a singular scumteam consisting of those 3 roles could roll

My class is exactly 387

derps specifically said max two factions
it’s not up to me to interpret what he means by that but it sounds a lot like “it’s not sides, it’s factions”

Italy I asked the hosts

If 1 scumteam of 3 different origins(enemy stand, unseen, CoM) in this case existed.

Pkr would receive all 3

Ask the hosts if u don’t believe me

Yes, Derps did say that.

But Derps never said anything about 1-2 Mishmash Scum Factions

The fact that this doesn’t mention other scum factions makes me think that a Mishmash faction is more likely

And if you don’t think that is possible as a spawn

Ask if it is

there’s a limit to 2 origins

Think of it like Scumfac A and Scumfac B

pulls out popcorn
I really like this tennis match

Aka hosts if there is

Clarify this with hosts

This is tennis? It’s more like a snowball fight

you don’t have to spam me about it just say it once

Sry it didn’t look like the first one went through at first