Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

Welcome to hell.

Am I retarded? I just put “do cardio as a day ability” in the google thing

I mean… you could clarify what that means in the PM with dat and Derps.
That’s a… pretty unique concept.




You seem confused

Am I in desperate need of assistance in the mental health department?

I’m so tempted to put “Seymour Skinner can’t spawn” as a special mechanic

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No, I just want more slots.

At least 3 neutrals must spawn.

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Real question:

Which version of “Marshal” should @Marshal be forcibly rolled as?

Side note, im hoping for at least two more pople because I prefer the game to be at least 18

i kinda want the lolreactiontests one

or the “bitch” one

Derps did you like my suggestions

I think two thirds of them were actually good

Nah, roll 663

2 of my submissions are max chaos and one is just one that has meme potential

I can tell you after game

New decision on if a mechanic is outed publically. Unless stated specificly, I will use my discresion if I think one or the other is best. If that changed anything with something you have submitted feel free to let me know in your card.

I’m making “Superintendent Chalmers will spawn” a special mechanic