Derps Grand Idea! - Signups (16/16+)

-ban Squid

You may not force roll a specific class or alignment number because I think thats dumb

Reminder people can still in during this part. People can also still out. Their suggestions will be ignored though

also all mechanics will be revealed at gamestart

Does the same thing apply to preventing classes from rolling?

Ignore this

Just letting you all know that I already spent a suggestion suggesting a D1 lynch, so the rest of you don’t have to

Im gonna say yes, seeing as how many classes already aren’t gonna be able to roll

Spectators will also receive classcards


I made a stupid suggestion because I had no other ideas

1 Like

thats more than semi-bastard

Pfttt thinking we’d do logical ones.

personally I think Suggestion 3 was the best of mine

Suggestion 3 of mine was the most vanilla.
Suggestion 2’s intriguing
And 1 is the most chaotic, best one of mine imo.

Someone go look at the poll and tell me we what won (remove anyone not in game that has voted)


No u gotta join!

6 had the most votes but I think that might be counting not-in-game people

What poll?
Am I just missing something?

Help me bully spectators into joining

I made a poll for how many you want to roll