DGADT FM - Voting Thread

/vote ash

Official VC

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Vulgard. Wazza. Centuries 3/10
ash4fun Appelsiini, ModeShifter, TheBlueElixir 3/10
Appelsini ash4fun 1/10
ModeShifter clonedcheese 1/10
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal 1/10
ClonedCheese CRichard564 1/10
Not Voting EVO, Apprentice, Italy, Intensify,Sulit, KyoDaz, Leafia, oB_L1ght, Centuries 9

The first mortal to murder another motal, Ixion, met a grim fate, although not because of his murder. It was rather when, after the Olympains invited him to Zeus’s palace out of grim fascination with his heinous deed, he attempted to have sex with Hera. Displaying an uncharacteristic fidelity, Zeus created a fake Hera out of a cloud spirit to see if he would have sex with her, and to his disgust found this to be so.

As revenge, he grabbed Ixion, broke all his bones, tied him to a wheel, set the wheel on fire, then he threw it into space. Then the cloud spirit gave birth to Centaurus, who had sex with a horse, creating the race of centaurs.

i’m sorry i can’t take this bullshit seriously it’s fucking hillarious that they actually believed this happened

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Official VC

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Vulgard. Wazza. Centuries 3/10
ModeShifter clonedcheese 1/10
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal 1/10
ClonedCheese CRichard564 1/10
Not Voting EVO, Apprentice, Italy, Intensify,Sulit, KyoDaz, Leafia, oB_L1ght, Centuries, ModeShifter, TheBlueElixir 10

Sisyphus attempted to avoid Thanatos, the physical manfiestation of Death, and succeeded. But he did not escape Death truly- when he knocked out Thanatos, the ceasing of fatality alerted the gods to Death’s absence, and he was quickly captured. But he was tricky, and told his wife to give him a terrible burial, and not even push a drachma beneath his tounge to pay Charon, so he was given a reprieve by Hades to sort out his burial arrangements before coming back to die for real.

Of course, he didn’t come back. So when the Furies dragged him down to Erebos, Hades set him a task: to roll a rock up a hill, and then he would be free to drink from the Lethe and be reincarnated. But no matter how hard he tried, the boulder would always roll away from him just before he reached the top. He is there to this day, trying to complete an impossible task.

Mortals are not meant to escape death.


/yeet Apprentice

/vote Leefia

/vote Italy

/vote Leafia

(majority should be 8 votes now)

/vote Leafia

/vote oB

/vote L1ght

/vote leafia

/Smite TL

/vote Leafia

/Vote Leafia

/yeet Italy

Back on the wagon I started.

/vote Italy

Semi-official VC

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Wazza, Centuries, Apprentice, Vulgard, CRichard564 5/8
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal, Intensify, oB_L1ght, sulit, ModeShifter 5/8
oB_L1ght TheBlueElixir 1/8
TrustworthyLiberal Leafia 1/8
Not Voting EVO, Italy, KyoDaz 3
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/vote Italy

/vote leafia