DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

game might auto-resolve?

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should do.

if Zone lied about his range and we lost DI it won’t I think?

But I posted up to 260 in case

I’m proud of you.

game would’ve been sooooooooooooooooooo much easier if I claimed a desperado lmao

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That should lead to the end.

There is no way to stop our victory from what I see.

Intensify was the only healer who could stop our kill.

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TWL is out of uses.
Mode does nothing apart from send messages.
Zone shouldn’t be able to kill any of us.

I can’t wait to find out what Hera did

I’m pretty sure it killed all your visitors but we’ll see

Yeah, either that or it killed a random player.

I’m excited for end of game flavor. Like this is the only game I think I’ve actually enjoyed reading flavor in haha

Yeah same, flavor has been great.

Apprentice, we’re a great team.

My final game before I left was winning as Neutral.

Let’s keep it for my first game back winning as Neutral again.

This would be my second NK win.

The Game is over :^)

I wonder if town thinks they won

ah shoot we lost we were a tool of Poseidon