Discussion: 3 of the same claim doesn't make them more suspicious

It is not. It is good play

pushing someone off of a fallacy is not good play

do you know what a fallacy is?

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not a good basis for a push

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The reasons for the exe dont matter, only the outcome

If I pushed you because in the last 100 games, you were town so it’s highly unlikely that you randed town again, would that not be the Gambler’s fallacy and thus be a bad push, even if I were ultimately right?


aha but you fell into your own trap

The fallacy fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone assumes that if an argument contains a logical fallacy , then its conclusion must necessarily be wrong.



What if I know my reasons for pushing them are bad, but my reasons for suspecting them are good, and I think I’m more likely to convince the court if I use the bad reasons to actually push them?


yeah sure i can agree that the ends justify the means in this case

im just saying that it is less likely for the desired outcomes to happen if you use fallacious reasoning

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This is actually happening all the time.

If you have to use “look at the trees” evidence to convince anyone, that’s a symptom of a bad playerbase.

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Nope. Not at all

so using incorrect reasoning does not make it less likely to reach a desired outcome?

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that is more nuanced.

if there is reason to suspect someone outside of that but fallacious arguments work better on convincing then the push isn’t bad

because the push wasn’t made on the basis that “3 maids exe”, but the argument presents it as such

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I mean, sure, it would be great for me if everyone in my ToL games sheeped me even if they didn’t understand my logic

But granting that they won’t do that, I’ll settle for making the argument that will win me the game rather than the argument that will just confuse people, even if the hypothetical Platonic ideal of a ToL player would understand what I’m saying when I try to use more complicated concepts


I use whatever reasoning gets my target lynched
And I want to exe evils, idc how good my own reasons are, or how wrong my reasons are

Become Kape

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i mean if you want to exe evils

wouldn’t you want your reasons to be better and therefore more likely to exe evils?

Nope… idc how good my reasons are

all you have to do is tell the BD king to point up the mastermind how hard could it be



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