DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

12 minutes remain.

((the motive for the murder was that katze wanted to be the only one with infinite likes for a single class trial

but you see i’m not forgetting about worlds where you are an omniscient shadow monster who can teleport anywhere at will and murder as you please


Bad Marl!

Don’t vote :cat:!


If you want to convince me, insteade of trying to bring it on personal level, try to prove that you actually was trying to analyze stuff which happened and not just threw random doubt around.

Unless you just wanted to tell me I’m an ass who should fuck off from this game, becouse you couldn’t do it.


I threw doubt around because they were legitimate doubts I had because of the conclusion I had formed when I thought about it while offline

and you’ve harassed me both trials probably just for your own amusement so yes I’m upset

I suspect you, so it’s obvious I push you.

If you can prove I’m wrong, go for it.
But I do not wish to have any personal level attacks on me due to me suspecting you in game.

This was again, one of worst things you could do.

Since when it’s okay to say someone to fuck off from this game, just becouse they suspect you?
At which community would you be allowed to say something like this?

(hey can we not do this?)

well we aren’t going to be able to anyway since class trial finished

then we have a lot of lore we need to discuss

“Attention. This trial is OVER. Please stop speaking.

“Thank you all. We have reached the close of the second trial of the Ultimate Hunt. The person which you have selected as the blackened is…”

DatBird, the victim

“Interesting choice.”

To be fair, I’m expecting apologies rn.

“I am pleased to announce that the person you have selected as the Blackened is…”

Guilty. Restoration of the proper balance of the killing game will occur shortly.


“Here is the second murder, an attempt to foil this Ultimate Hunt… that you have so neatly foiled for me.”

This case began when the Blackened became aware of the truth behind this game. Although he had been dead for centuries, it had been prophesied that one day he would rise again, in the time of England’s greatest need. Taking a false name and a false talent, and ensuring that not even the Mastermind knew his true identity, the Blackened entered the world of the killing game.

With his supernatural knowledge of the game, the Blackened concluded that even unmasking the Mastermind was not enough, and the only way he could come to the aid of England’s people was by creating a murder that no one, not even the Mastermind, could solve, thereby disrupting the powerful magic that runs the Ultimate Hunt and possibly even destroying the game singlehandedly.

When he discovered the long drop leading from the Sun Corridor to the Ruined Tower, the Blackened hatched a plan. He thought that he was more likely to create an unsolvable murder if the victim were an unexpected one: himself. As he travelled through the castle, he collected various materials, including a dart and a sword called a messer- a blade of German construction wielded by members of the middle class to circumvent rules preventing non-aristocrats from wielding swords by means of technically being a knife.

At last, he decided that the time was right to put his plan in motion. Using his Ultimate Ability, he disabled the camera system entirely. While the Mastermind was still reeling from the loss of their cameras, he began setting the stage, leaving a note to try to make it seem as if he had been pursued by another student, shouting frantic messages in the Sun Corridor, and scratching up the diamond corridor with his blade. To make his death more convincing, he stabbed his artery with a dart in order to leave a trail of blood, and make the order of the events leading up to his death appear unclear.

Finally, he took his sword, drove it through his chest, and stepped backwards off of the ledge to the ruined tower. The Blackened fell to the floor, dripping blood below, before falling onto his side, trying to whisper one final message… a single word, almost made as an ironic taunt to the other players and the Mastermind- Rosebud. But the life faded from his reincarnated body, and soon after his noble illusion was exposed to the world…

…Isn’t that right, King Arthur Pendragon, the Ultimate Monarch (@DatBird)?


You may now discuss amongst yourselves freely. The banishment of DatBird into the Ginnungagap will begin shortly.

text unclear


W-wait… he was the King of England?

king of england got fucked :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: