DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(just means you’re not right)


“Alicia, you said you ingested poisons earlier, right?”

I did say that.

I think it was 1-2 chapter ago?

“This is a long shot, but would you be able to identify a poison based off of a description of the symptoms?”

alyxes eyes, previously wide, are now back to a Normal State Of Eyes

they look around the room, as if it’d been their first time entering it

“…that was… certainly an experience.”

was it useful

i might be able to, since i apparently identified opium by looking at it age 12

“…useful?” alyx nods

“Unfortunately, I feel like I got the opposite answer I wanted from this…”

It’s rarely as easy as the answer we want. But what did you find?

“…well, for multiple weeks now, I’d been suspecting that my situation with Matilda (Trochi), in which she had allegedly poisoned herself, was fake…”

alyx zones out for a moment

“…so, the first thing I did was try to remember that situaiton again.”

And what did you remember that stood out to you?

I think it’s strange that Trochi died to poison ch3 and it was Jane that did the deed rather than Trochi herself.
I wonder why.

“I guess I’ll just try to describe the entire situation – it may be relevant for multiple people.”

“This was… a very long time ago, now… been at least a month – christ, we’ve been here that long?!”

alyx coughs

“Okay, like I was saying. Me and her were in (min) Geoffrey’s dorm, alone – I don’t remember why, don’t ask – and she took out a dart and dipped it into a vial, then stabbed herself with the dart.” alyxs face instinctually turns into one of concern, as if they were again reliving the memory

“She told me not to worry about it, and grinned. I told her that if she died, it was her fault for being crazy… she started looking and poking at where she had stabbed herself. She specifically sounded confused as to why nothing had happened yet.”

“For a bit, we just kind of stared at eachother, before she asked if I wanted to say something. A bit prior to this situation, I had told her that my gavel was enchanted with some sort of ritual, and honestly? I was a bit scared of her, which is why I said no, but if she made a move…”

“To which she asked if I wanted her to make one. So I continued with my bluff that my gavel was enchanted, and threatened her with it – she sounded curious as to what it was and asked why I not just tell her, since I’d made it clear she wasn’t someone I wanted to hurt… I just wanted her to keep healing me, honestly.

alyx giggles “I really did enjoy those healing hands…”

“…Anyway, she changed the subject to something else. I didn’t remember the context to why, but we were worried that Alison (Marl) and other people had been gone too long?”

alyx pauses

(For people who don’t want to read this entire post, the above part is less important?)

[For eevee, Arthur = Light, Matilda = Trochi, I’m too lazy to continue labeling them]

“…and that’s when she said something was wrong, and started showing any sort of symptoms at all. This was 20 minutes after she had stabbed herself, and she looked pale. I asked if she was okay, she said she felt like she was going to pass out. I was worried, but I didn’t want to leave her alone, and didn’t really know what to do?”

"Conveniently, Arthur came in shortly after, and in a panic, I asked him for help. He told her to touch herself – " alyx giggles, then continues “yes, he worded it like that – and she screamed that it worked better on external wounds… me and him got into a fight for a bit, and about five minutes after she had appeared pale, Matilda passed out.”

“Now, prior to all of this, I had wanted a kunai for… inexplicable reasons, and I knew Arthur had at least two. He wasn’t doing anything, so I asked him for one, and I cut near where Matilda had initially stabbed herself, and started sucking out poison, spitting it out.” alyx blinks rapidly

“My biggest concern was that I hadn’t remembered tasting anything different from just normal human blood, but upon re-remembering this, I remembered the taste as a bit different.”

“Some… jokes were thrown around between me and Arthur, but I kept sucking blood, spitting it out, and eventually, after I had given up and laid down, Matilda had shown signs of consciousness again.”

…and for some reason, I didn’t remember how long it took for her to do that.

(properly gendering trochis character is weird)

Can you remember what the taste was?

alyx shakes their head no

“Just… different.”

“I wanted to ask Alicia if those poison symptoms matched anything she knew of – but if anyone else might know, you’re free to answer!”

(for the record this is only the second weirdest thing about trochi to me, it’s just that this one is something only i know)

We should look at poisons that are known to cause fainting.
That should help narrow it down.
I wonder if that would have been fatal without outside intervention.

“If I recall, she said it would be – but that’s based off a very vague remembrance, not the potion.”

alyx shrugs

“Still, I never felt weird sucking it out, and I don’t know if that’s because of what she injected, or because I spit it out fast enough…”

It doesn’t really help us determine if that would have resulted in death and therefore leaving Trochi as the blackened.

It seems we’ll have to rely on social clear on either Min or Trochi here.

this poe is unfairly tiny