DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Also I stopped by the obelisk immediately after trial one and got the “Kunai of Improbable Armageddons” there

(i am immensely jealous
whatd it do :eyes:)

uh it’s very similar to my ult I remember you wanted fullclaim gimme one sec

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Passive 1 - I start with a slingshot that has infinite draw weight in an extra private slot

Passive 2 - I can carve tools out of wood with expert skill, most notably arrows and kunai

Passive 3 - I can tell if a shot made with a particular projectile could be made between any 2 given points or not

Ult - I get to make a trickshot however I want that will always hit as long as it’s physically possible

Ult only gang
Ult only gang

(i kinda wanna fullclaim my original classcard because it’s hilariously useless)

the kunai would follow any path I had in my mind when I threw it and the blade would turn white after impact

(I wanted to use this to send it on a very long path to kill someone during a trial but was told it wouldn’t work)

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actually imma claim it cause its kinda funny

Passive 1 - if i die epicly, i die with a smile on my face
Passive 2 - i get more AP from AP-restoring drinks
Passive 3 - i defend from melee attacks with my AGL, not my STR
Ultimate - basically a 1x BPV

even my fucking ultimate is a passive


(I literally have a passive called “Scottish.” The first three words of its description are “You are Scottish.”)


i have 3 new passives now, though, since i wished for a new classcard as a joke during CH5

theyre generally less useless

i could have basically had a +30% chance to kill with any method in the inverted castle tho

(Aw, fuck, I should have done that… I asked for “an alibi” and joycatted Luna.)

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(Worst part is, I never actually opened that box, so I have no idea what asking for “an alibi” actually got me.)

“Anyway, yeah, I think I’ve made my case on why I generally think Matilda [Trochi] is the most likely traitor… but prior to today, my second highest suspect was Dennis [Apprentice] – I should probably try to fully reevaluate my choices, here… I really want to get this right, after all…

See, not having known any of that beforehand because lolsub, that’s actually some decently compelling evidence against Matilda. Had she been to the Obelisk during Chapter 2 that anyone knows of?

(actually apprentice is prob still my 2nd highest suspect but everybody is clearing him so im just :joy_cat:)

Only Alyx is allowed to :flushed: at this post.

:pleading_face: :flushed:

(i mean, it’s modconfirmed that trochi went to the obelisk and got the cyanide in CH3 :joy_cat:)

Unless anyone can explain why MM!Apprentice would out the Ch1 Blackened and solve the Hall of Failures puzzle last chapter, which gave us letters which helped lore clear Wilfred, I don’t think we’re in a world where Apprentice is MM here.