DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

this is actually true lmao

It is, but I don’t think removing MM stops the project itself.

i think removing the MM is what they want us to do

Remember Cthulhu?

They said that thing in core is carving for blood and won’t stop.
Cosmic egg was extracted from a force shield and magical wards and reinforced glass in core.

Unless we think there was moer stuff like this… removing cosmic egg would actually end the blood game, wouldn’t it?

I’m… really just gonna vote cosmic egg tbh.

Cause what happens if we remove thing which is upkeeping the whole simulation to begin with?

actually speaking of that

did you ever figure out the thing in the core you wanted to figure out

i wonder what the cosmic egg’s execution would be

I did.
Cosmic egg is the result.

Also named as “Core of Feybrook”
Aka. core of current and probably also previous itterations.

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Let’s think a moment.
The cycle will always continue until that THING is sated.
Thing which is core or in core and craves for blood.

Core was protecting the cosmic egg, which was behind a force shield and unbreakable glass.
(Arctic even was ritualing on this glass, so they can confirm)

Cosmic egg was also named core of Feybrok.

I really think executing cosmic egg is a move here.

Either that or trying to sate it with blood smh

I really don’t think executing MM is gonna change anything lorewise.
We might win a game, but we will still die in it. :^)

I am willing to do a gamer move and execute egg, unless someone thinks it’s different thing.

even though lorewise i agree with you
i think… in terms of actually winning the game, we’re meant to kill the MM

katze noises

I’m still gonna follow the lore

also if we really want to execute an egg we can kill me :^)


We don’t need to vote the MM.
We need to expose the MM.


wait a second

i already exposed the mm

Except it’s CRichard, but that’s beyond a point. :^)

what if the MM was just Drawing room fireplace

how did you get behind the unbreakable glass btw?