DR6 Disinterest Check

I’ll run DR7 but everyone is Paris Hilton (a person very relevant in 2021) with a different true ending

no I am not taking the piss what could possible give you that idea


well im no longer interested

cringe inside

unless tan is

then i’ll make an exception :flushed:

i’ll be disappointed if there isn’t at least one american who starts off with a gun

Just have a half American/half Japanese actress included 4Head.


You do it to me every time

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who’s that :eyes:

Stella Hoshinari

why does it seem like every single half American character in anime has a Western European first name and a Japanese last name


wouldn’t it make just as much sense for them to have a Japanese name and a Western European surname

or just a Japanese name

and let’s not go into the first names

anime is gods only mistake


that’s not true

I’m also a mistake

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i love you

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You open a webpage.

Ultimate Worry? Don’t worry- we’ve got you covered.
by Erika Anderson, writing for the Los Angeles Phonograph.

Several readers have wrote in worried about the “Ultimate Programme” that has just been announced by the URNW (United Republic of the New World), in particular indulging in a certain discontent with the idea of utilising an idea practised by the pan-Japanese Federation, given the rocky relationship between our two countries as of late. This is founded under the mistaken assumption that the Ultimate Programme is of Japanese invention and of a simmilar ideological disposition as the Federation, when this is in fact not the case.

The Ultimate Programme, as a generalised concept in education, in fact originated in France, as the L’Ultime programme. Originally suggested by avant-garde social philosophers, the proponents of the idea posit that by honoring extremely profficient young individuals in various fields, inspiration will be overall distributed across society. The programme’s tenets (which go beyond the scope of this article) were passed around various governmental circles, eventually spreading to Japan, where it grew in scope to the point that the government funds an academy specifically for Ultimate students- Hope’s Peak.

As of three days ago, the Prime Speaker of the URNW, Joseph B. Turnpike, announced that the US too would be adopting its’ own Ultimate programme, a move which, in the eyes of many expert political commentators (including the Phonograph’s own Larry Watkins) is a flagrant act of nepotism towards the Education Secretary, Nancy M. Mellings, currently under scrutiny by the ROIAL (Repulic Office of Information: Atlantic League) for reasons the ROIAL Director does not feel comfortable disclosing at this time due to classification levels.

But, dear reader, in your daily life the Ultimate programme will have very little effect, but expect to see government-sponsored media featuring the chosen Ultimates soon. That is not to say that the programme’s initial Ultimates will not be selected immediately; I am informed that they are ‘in the process of being informed as we speak’ according to an answer to a question fielded by the BBC to the White Tower’s press secretary. However, a study of the previous attempts at this programme indicate that we will likely see very little effect for a few years, and this is not a seismic shift in the nature of governmental honours as some people posit.


of course, l’ultime saboteur conrad bombardier participated in the original ultimate programme

Fun fact, the name Stella means star in Latin, and Hoshi is the romanization for star in Japanese.

in unrelated news :tm:
you remember how me and amelia and min (and recently appelsini, idk if they’re still invested tho) were designing a danganronpa
Well, we take interest in this idea, and would like to use it.
However, we are already pretty far into the designing, and I really don’t want to discard all our work.

True Endings or Mastermind & co for the above danganronpa
  • True Endings
  • Mastermind, Traitors, Wildcards, Agents

0 voters

(Yes, traitors and agents is intentional. Yes, we are including Agents & Traitors if we include a Mastermind, there is no in between.)
(main reason behind mastermind is that I don’t want to upheave the work we’ve done, so)

my opinion is “if you already designed a game around a thing, then replacing said thing with something completely different will probably show in the end product”

and also stealing ideas is maybe cringe idk ask luna if she cares

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I have no stake in this because I don’t like dangan so I probably won’t /in so I’ll take the scientific option