DR6 Disinterest Check

5-1 felt a lot like actual 1-1 to me

5-1 felt like an actual first murder from a DR game
with a 11037 moment and everything


5-4 felt the most structurally similar to canon cases although the killer openwolfing was unfortunate

What happened?


hold on i can find the case summary

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Also for a moment I thought that you meant our own 1-1 where sulit was literally caught because everyone else had alibis.

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in fairness

There was a motive that could let Italy win even tho he suicided


the only thing not in the case summary is “Apprentice said he was MM to the killer and the killer just confessed then and there”


Quick, hide case 4-2

…err, what happened there?

apprentice made a gamer move

App suggested to sulit that they double kill and cover each other, one would win and one would be cleared of being the Mastermind

then instead of doing that he just bussed sulit

Imagine trusting App in a misc.

you forgot to mention that as part of this he managed to use his Ultimate to gain 700 Luck

and also gained infinite luck

just noticed this
feeling good

Wait what that was explained