Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I disagree that non-toxic negative reinforcement learning is not helpful. I agree that we could have more positive reinforcement learning. I tried to accomplish this with the top town, top scum, top improved leaderboard idea, but that was shot down. It could admittedly lead to an even more unhealthily competitive atmosphere, but meeh I still think it could have worked out.

If someone has bad reads, then that actively involves your win condition in mafia, because you have to get them to trust your reads and direction to attain majority, so there is always a drive to correct them. The way how you go about that can differ, but yes you will be challenged and pressured on your viewpoints. That’s literally part of social deduction.


(I still think that less competitive is always better in regarding to toxicity, not more like you proposed)

We aren’t that competitive to begin with.


It’s pretty obvious if you look at a player posts to see if they try or not.

If a new person is trying to solve the game, they will make reads that are probably wrong. But the thing is they are trying to make reads and solve the game, not sit there and do nothing.

There’s people here who sit here and do nothing, for example Gamerpoke was an example, they only wanted to use their Abilties. So we did get mad at them for not trying to put effort into the game.


Granted there’s probably people who could feel ostracized here and do nothing because of that, they know how nothing works.

But it will become fairly obvious, when players ping them to say something and ask why they aren’t posting, that that’s the reason and then they will try to coax them into posting more

So “trying to use mechanics” is a sign for “not trying to play the game at all”, okay :thinking:
Can I please get never experienced? I don’t want to become a “good” player, I have fun with my ways

Trying to use mechanics is a way of solving the game, sitting there all game and doing nothing and just healing people is not trying to solve the game.


I’m trying to edit a BotC setup for the forums to demonstrate this principle

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What’s that

At this point, I feel like we’re just arguing semantics. Because we clearly aren’t agreeing on what we define “experienced” as. So I feel it’s easiest if we just agree to disagree, or at the least come to a common ground on how we define what the word “experienced” means in this context.

And how do you think the amount of games played effects how you view a players ISO? Just wondering, I don’t explicitly agree or disagree.

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Blood on the Clocktower, the later setups are really really good for mechanical deduction once you remove the particularly problematic (for the forums) bastard elements.


Priestess one day when you play forum mafia enough you will agree with us, it happens with all players who play forum mafia long enough, they realize the hidden secret of the game


It’s the same thing, are they trying to solve the game?

They could be. They might not know how to publicly do so, though.

I can tell you for a fact there’s decent odds that in my first FoL game I’ll struggle to look like I’m solving the game in your eyes. But I can also promise you that I’ll be trying to.

I can only speak for myself, but it’s pretty easy to become reluctant to publicly gamesolve when you’re new.

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It’s pretty obvious in your posts if you are trying to solve the game by sorting people as town/scum

whether it be using mechanics or reads

Then please tell me when that happened, since I want to stop then :eyes: I’m not a “good” player and I never want to be one. I just want to play with my normal people and my newbies and have fun.

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It’s not like you can’t have fun if you are experienced

You will actually enjoy the game a lot more

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You are so against the prospect of getting good at the game because you feel like it would change you, when in reality it’s not going to change you. It’s going to change your perspective of this game.


In that case, would you be willing to give me some examples of a newer player trying to gamesolve so I can look at the ISO and see whether or not you’re right?

I have an perfect example, but it’s from an on-going game and I can’t talk about it until it ends.