Emotional stress in Fol/FM

It mainly has to do with preflips
Before people flip…it’s really hard to actually make accurate associations based off of people

This generally comes out when making entire cases based on people flipping a certain way when they haven’t flipped, and how that impacts a different player

Making preflips isn’t bad
Making preflips into an entire case for someone is when it becomes illogical

Like LT
You made an entire case for three people who hadn’t flipped being scum together based off of associations with each other individually

Oh I get that
Actually I think I’m going to be banned if I keep going but I’ll get back to it later.

I am interested now

It’s relating to previous games undoubtedly, but it could be falsely applied to current ones

I’ll get back to it eventually, don’t worry. Just not now.

ISO yourself in your scumgames and look at why people scumread you in those games, especially when it builds extreme pressure on your slot

In LT for example

My comment on your playstyle (even though I was scum several people agreed with it)
Luxy’s comment on your playstyle

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Slow not fast
Reevaluate good
Meta being entire case bad
Don’t force conclusions early
MU guides good, but not benchmark for how to read people. Apply as relevant


This is the best post in this thread


What does this mean?

It relates to next three points

I’ve also realized I townclear myself really easily as town but can’t do it as scum and that’s horrible because it’s easy to read me as a result.

Case in point: compare LotR FM to Clash of Cults and Looming Threat

FK show me the key to insanity

I share that fate unfortunately…


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Hate to say it but the entire scumteam thought you were scum near EOD2 in looming threat.

I know why I get scumread I just can’t fix it

Okay, I can see the point of not interacting enough with current players in thread. I did exactly that in LOTRFM though, but maybe to lesser of an extent. I’m thinking you’re referring to the “playing in isolation” point.

I’d have been scumreading you in Looming Threat except for how your slot was already spewed as town via Priestess :eyes:

Not a single person seriously scumread me in Looming Threat (in the thread), so oof.

…Oh. :rofl:

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