Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I want to hear it regardless. Perhaps you are underestimating everyone.

That’s very naive

not really if someone was badly insulting someone to the point of them wanting to commit suicide then that’s the issue with the person

(the person who is insulting lets clarify that better)

Some people are messed up and the emotional distress of being accused and losing, or just being heavily insulted could be enough.

And while it’s not just because of of FM, it can be a factor.

this isn’t the problem I’ve faced. What I take the most issue with is being tunneled in a particularly arrogant, inconsiderate, and merciless way; brutal tunneling that just makes people feel awful and that no matter what they say their attacker will never listen to anything period.

Geyde referenced how this can make people feel here:


I’m already taking action in case of hard insults, but if you’re deathtunneling someone completely merciless… that’s nothing I can take care of with moderation directly. I do try tho to always create a positive environment when I host, so hoping this won’t happen in first place.


I would say something about this but I’m unsure if I can without breaking the rules.

People are probably going to disagree with me on this one, but let me try to figure out how to explain the solution

Okay let’s see

Vulgard, I hope you understand that this is not meant as a witchhunt, it is rather used as an example. We could take any other example instead.

Yes as someone who has been suicidal many times, but the main cause of suicide isn’t going to be someone insulting you or telling you to “frick off” isn’t the isssue. It’s what goes on in Irl or online harrasment, if someone took it that far to cause someone to be suicidal purposely then they’d be banned in a heartbeat.

I don’t think you understand how being suicidal works unless you’ve gone through with it, maybe some people are more sensitive then others but if your that down that someone insulting you for playing bad is going to make you want to die, at that point you should have called a help line. We can’t also blame someone being slightly frustrated at someones plays in games, you’ve got to be fair but also keep in mind peoples feelings.

I’m just saying that from my perspective though I don’t know how people feel but it’s really toxic and I don’t advise you to play fm if you are near a breaking point I advise you to get help at that point.

I totally see why this is used as an example and I would really want to talk about it but I don’t think I can, that’s what I meant.
I’m not taking any offense here. It would be unfair if I did take offense.


This is not against the rules though.

Deathtunnels happen; don’t get so caught up on what is fundamentally a game. What the person is saying in the game is not personal, its just about the game.



Not helping.

I was literally making fun of my own argument


There has to be a line somewhere.
When taken to the extreme, deathtunnels have lasting and undeniable significant negative effects and there’s no denying that.

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Except as much as it is a bad argument it is the only feasible one in a game such as FM.

if this was sarcasm, apologies. I can’t really identify sarcasm

What I’m saying is, saying ‘dont take it personally’ is just as helpful as telling a depressed person ‘just be happy’ except in this case its the only thing you can do