Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

hiss shurian follow the red check wagon trust me it’ll be great
no split voterinos

It could be coincidence and besides, Firekitten was scared by my aggressive RVS on him it’s like he’s most possible candidate for Scorned

Then again, why resurrect butler?

Because it seems he is

If FK is truly BD and I will be too, why would he…answer differently than suppose to?

Already forgotten lel

Mole claimed butler? Damn how many things have I missed

I really think there’s some sort of odd interaction between you three.

All of you seem confident that the two others are BD

Meanwhile I’m sitting here reading you three as more scum than BD

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I did? Where?

I’d say I’m confbiased but that’s three people I’m reading

I don’t recall Orange and Mole calling BD to me.

If I were to lynch them I’d lynch Mole>Orange>Frost though in order from most to least scummy though

But whatever let’s try not to associate until we actually flip one which I really want to do today

Ah so.

Not lynching outside of those three, not even Insanity

I’d rather have Insanity jailed

And the reason for Orange is to get checked tonight right?

But I’m not forcing the Prince to do anything

FK is supposed to observe Orange guarding one of our TIs

That is, if I or Mole flip Assassin

According to you anyway.

FK’s behavior on nearly voted for trial is rubbing me in wrong way.