[Faction Suggestion] The Corrupt

The Corrupt can have up to 4 members.
Their conversion pierces normal conversion immunities, making almost everyone convertable. And they do this at day, at any point, even at trial.
On the flip side, it has a member that needs to be protected at nearly all costs, and their killing power is not high.
Conversion/Promotion Mechanics:
Conversion:avaliable even on trial, if it is a day conversion.

  1. Corruptor : The replacement of the Corruptor takes place according to the abilities of the Corruptor and The Source.
    2.The Source: If the Source dies before Night 3, the oldest Corrupt becomes The Source.
    If the Source dies on Night 3 or later the oldest Corrupt becomes The Source as soon as they have been Corrupt for 7 days. A Source King will have the same position as a regular Source.

It starts with the following two members:

The Corruptor (Corrupt Special)
Passive 1:Pass on: If you die or are promoted by any means except The Great Cleansing or the wrong usage of Corrupt Air and if The Source is alive the oldest inferior Corrupt member will become The Corruptor.
**Passive 2:Dependant:**As long as there is no Source, you cannot convert.
Day Ability 1:Spread Corruption
Convert someone to The Corrupt, ignoring normal Conversion Immunities. Their class will not change except for the King and Knight but they will meet with you at night(King excluded).2 days cooldown,unlimited uses. Failing to corrupt does not reset the cooldown.
Day Ability 2:Corruption Focus
Your Corrupt Touch will ignore immunities, guards, healing, and steal all souls. Spread Corruption will get a cooldown of 4 days. One use.
Night Ability 1:Corrupt Touch
Kill someone. Unlimited uses, but 1 day cooldown.
Night Ability 2 Corrupted Air
Frame someone as a Corrupted when they are not. Usage on The White Agent results in your death. Unlimited Uses, but 1 day cooldown.

The Source
Corrupt Special
Corrupt Aura(Passive) - You are immune to death at night and the other Corrupt know who you are; however, you only know the Corruptor and do not meet with them.
Forged Ancestry(Passive) - You can step up as King as if you had Royal Blood, and you will be promoted into The Source King if promoted as King
Hide Corruption(Day) - If you are investigated the next night you will show up as Blue Dragon - Unlimited Uses
Pass Corruption(Day) - Convert someone into The Corruptor, ignoring normal conversion immunities. Can not be used if The Corruptor is alive - Unlimited Uses, but 6 days cooldown. Failure to corrupt does not reset the cooldown.
Corrupt Sight(Night) - Determine the target’s class, who it visits and who visits your target - Unlimited Uses

The Corrupt King
Corrupt Special
(usual king abilities)

The Source King
Corrupt Special
(Passive)Enhanced Corruption: You are immune to death and occupation at night
**(Passive)Do Not Pass The Torch:**If you die there will be no more king.
(Day) The Royal Finger(as usual)
(Day) Decide Fate(as usual)
(Night)Unhindered Corruption: Convert someone into The Corrupt, ignoring normal Conversion immunities. If you have too many members or if your target is The White Agent, they die instead, regardless of immunities. Unlimited Uses(and NO cooldown!)
**(Night)Guards(as usual)

Changed classes:

Corrupt Knight(Corrupt Killing)
Cold Steel has only one more use; and you can kill Blue Dragon with it.

And now the enemy:

The White Agent
Blue Dragon Special

Replaces the Prince(!) and the regular investigative.

Incorruptible(Passive) - You are immune against Corruption and Occupy.
White Barrier(Passive) - You are immune to Death for the first three nights and on the night you use The Great Cleansing.
The White Grip(Day) - Your target will be occupied during next night if they are Corrupt or The King, this ignores Occupy immunities. You may target The King with this - 1 use
White Bond(Day) - If you die tonight, your target gets promoted into The White Agent if they are a convertible class and not Corrupt, you can no longer be revived if you succeed. - 1 use
Resonance(Night) - Determine if someone is a member of The Corrupt. The Source will show up as Not Corrupted on Night 1. - Unlimited Uses
The Great Cleansing(Night) - Kill someone if they are a member of The Corrupt, ignoring night immunities. If you kill The Source or The Source King with this, then they cannot be replaced(as Source or Source King) You may target The King with this. - 1 Use

Please give feedback.

can you please format this better, it is hard to read

do > before words to make a class acrd. Example:

The class
Passive: classy blah blah blah
Night ability one: Ability blah blah
Night ability two: action blah
Day ability: blah* blah blah
goal: blah blah blah blah, blah, and blah

** on either side of a phrase or word makes it bold, _on either side of a word makes it italics

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Yeah I should have probably done that from the beginning. Anyway, I believe it’s fixed.

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my problem is that the prince is convertible. The idea of prince is that he is a strong blue dragon incapable of being converted.

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Also the cooldown like “6 days coldown” games last around 10 days, these are to high.

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Do you have any suggestion regarding specific cooldown reductions?
Please keep in mind that some abilities are meant to be used either only once or only twice if you used them early in the game… especially abilities like Corruption Focus or Pass Corruption(the latter is designed as emergency action, normally, the next Corruptor is not generated via this ability). It also forces the Blue Dragon to speed up their gameplay before the enemies have another use ready.

Everyone besides the White Agent is convertible here… and that is one of the strengths of The Corrupt. The Corrupt will want to convert these who exactly normally cannot be converted(like The Prince, The Reaper or The Possessor(the latter is more difficult tho)) and who are stronger as a result, to win faster. The main power lies in the hand of The White Agent, and the Corrupt should aim to get rid of that one as soon as possible. This means that the power classes, including the White Agent, need to develop a very low profile and try to stay hidden… including some possible fake claims.

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neutral killers should never be convertible.

the whole point is that they are not.

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in this case, i disagree
it creates a unique situation where, instead of nks kinda leaving evil alone until bd is dealt with, nks and bd need to band together and see the evil off before facing eachother
and Rope, different evil factions should all be significantly different from eachother, most often with a different defining characteristic
unseen - standard kill/convert faction
the cult - trade killing their members for extra powers
the brotherhood - instead of killing they have a large pool of members to have a voting majority
the corrupt - everyone is convertable

and i have a suggestion
for The corrupt mecenary, maybe their contract is forcibly changed to the source
their previous contract is not told, of course
neither is the source
just the corrupt merc’s contract is changed to the source, they are told who the source is, and they do not meet with the corrupt

the brother hood is not yet a faction, and I don’t know if I think it should (in it’s current form)

that doesnt matter to my point
its popular and generally liked (i believe)
and it is different

just because something is different doesn’t mean it is good

it still needs a lot of work

i think its good to put people on their toes like this, make it a small chance, a bit smaller than unseen or cult, so that its often enough that people think of it, but not often enough that it becomes a significant factor in most’s plans

and what you said still doesnt change my point
for every rule, there is an exception to that rule
convert immunity is no exception

This won’t work. Trust me.

The cult is meant to be the fastest converter, but it can’t convert the prince. Why should this faction?

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to be the exception
and because of the fact that nks can be converted, they have them on their side
it impossible to know whether or not it will work until its tried

waste of coding

1 you cant know that for sure
2 then try it on a forum game!

well okay then forum game test first

keep in mind here probably won’t be more than 3 antagonis factions though. If you really like brotherhood, this won’t be good.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you’ve lost me

Conversion Immunity exists for a reason, if you convert the fucking prince then GG game fucking over